Chapter 7: "Just Leave Things As They Are."

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A/N: I apologize for any speeling mistakes, for all my chapters, I'm just too lazy to copy/paste to Word. I hope it's not too bad... COMMENT/VOTE/FAN!

Also check out Jassiexo story, click the external link--->

Chapter 7: "Just Leave Things As They Are."

"What do you want?" 

This was definitely going better than I thought, standing across the street from Ash's house. "I want you to stop your games in class, so that the rest of us can have an education, and, oh I don't know, graduate high school!" 

"Sorry, no can do, that's not me, it's the other guys." The wig I had put on his head was now on the ground and the heels most probably lost somewhere in the chase.

"Because you tell them too!" I screamed.

"No because they're idiots."

"Like master, like servant. They'll stop if you tell them too."

He hesitated "Maybe, what's in it for me?"

"Nothing much, except this photo," I held the camera "Won't end up all around school AND the Internet if I have to."

"You wouldn't,” He said, glaring at me.

"Oh I would," I smiled at him with malice, "I didn't risk my life coming here for nothing."

He gave me another glare, and I swear I could feel the anger rolling off him. I though maybe he'd chase me across the street, and even if I did take of again, this time he would catch me, somehow he was as fast as me, "Fine."

"Fine" I turned, smiling to myself, SUCCESS! I started to walk away then thought better. "Oh and I guess it 3-2, now"

He squinted his eyes, confused, then understood and made a snorting sound "Why 3-2? This is the only thing you did."

I held up a finger "First standing up to your ass, AND since I got Kirk, your very best man - BTW do try not to kill him, he's not that bad- involved, then I think this deserves two points," I turned back towards the street "SEE YOU TOMORROW! Don't forget your books! STUDY STUDY STUDY!"

I couldn't help the huge smile from appearing on my face as I walked away.


I wasn't sure who was the most creped out at this point. You had the teacher standing at the front, sending worried looks around the class as he slowly moved his hands, explaining something. Then you hand the girls, with similar expressions, using their make-up mirrors or cellphones to look behind themselves, the guys simply looked grumpy, and finally you had me, who even thought it seemed my plan had worked, I expected it all to come crumbling down any moment now. Who was everybody staring at with worried looks, or grumpy ones? Ash Hernandez. Who was sitting there, seeming not to notice anything around him, headphones on? Ash freaking Hernandez.

I had arrived this morning to find the class in the same disaster as always. The second I opened the door I felt the anger and disappointment rise in me, and I was all but ready to pull my phone out, search out the picture I had sent to myself, and push send, and that was when he popped out of nowhere.

"Don't you even dare push that little button." I jumped a good three feet in the air, my heart jumping along with me.

"SH*T! You scared me!"


"So nice to see you understood me, now fix this" I gestured to the mess that was our classroom, "Or I WILL push that 'little button' and your secret hobby will all over Facebook."

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