Chapter 12: "You're Going To Regret That"

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 For some reason, chapter 12 was deleted. Here it is again. How odd.

 Dedicated for first comment. You go katie!

© Copyright 2013, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Chapter 12: "You're Going To Regret That"

I felt terrible.




I was sitting against my locker. After the bell had rung, Amy had gotten up and run out of the class and I had just stood there, not knowing what to do. Once 9th graders started filling into the class, given me weird looks as they made their way to their desk, I had walked out. Without really thinking of where I was going, I had found myself in front of my locker.

Now I was sitting in an empty hallway, starring at the blank wall across from me.

"What happened now?"

I jumped at the sound of the voice. Looking up I found Ash.

"I'm not too sure."

He moved closer sitting beside me. "Explain."

"She was 12."


"The girl coming out of Pelletier's office!" I screamed. I blushed, looking away in embarrassment "Sorry, I wasn't screaming at you."

"So you saw something you didn't like?"

"Obviously..." And with that I told him the whole story. He didn't say a word; instead he just sat there listening with a frown on his face. "What?" I said, once I had finished.

"He was supposed to stop." He was clutching his fist like he wanted to punch somebody, his eyes had gone hard and his whole face was stiff. I'd never seen him pissed like this, a quiet sort of anger that was so much scarier.

Hesitantly I put my hand on his shoulder "We'll stop him," I whispered, not daring to speak louder "Hopefully Amy will come around after today."

"Or I could just go punch him out."

He made a move to get up but I put pressure on the hand that was already on his shoulder. "Then you'll be the one getting in trouble."

Someone, a boy, came around the corner giving us a weird look as he passed. Once he was gone I turned back to Ash to say something more, and found his face only two inches from mine.

"I still don't like you telling me what to do." I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling his breath on my cheek and I felt my heart jump out of my chest. Fear? Was I really still scared of him?

"I-I don’t tell you what to do."

"Really? So you don't still have a certain embarrassing picture of me?" I could see a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Right, I forgot about that." This time I smiled "Though I don't know how I could have, with it being framed on my wall and all."

He chuckled in turn "You forget I've been in your room."

"New addition? Added just yesterday."

"Mr. Hernandez, Miss. McCarty, why aren't you in class?" We both snapped our head up looking at the source of the voice.

"Mia was feeling sick." Ash lied easily to our Art teacher, Mrs. Andrews.

She turned to me, lifting an eyebrow "And you need Mr. Hernandez for that? You know what, I don't even want to know, just make your way to my class." With that she turned and walked away.

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