Chapter 16: "I'm going to kill you guys."

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© Copyright 2013, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Note: So I actually wrote this a few weeks ago, but never got around to publishing it because of the terrible Wi-Fi I had abroad. So in the spirit of my holiday, here is my present to you. Enjoy :D

Chapter 16: "I'm going to kill you guys."

I was so happy to be out of the assembly that I nearly cried out of happiness. Or maybe I'm exaggerating, but who wouldn't be happy about the weekend coming around. As I walked out of the assembly, arm linked with Yasmine's trying to figure out what to do this weekend. "How 'bout the cinema?" Yasmine suggested.

"We always go to the cinema. Not to mention that there's nothing good playing." I complained.

"We could always hangout downtown." Parker said.

"And do what? Walk around aimlessly? I don't think so."

Yasmine sighed, "Want to go to Indigo? Hangout there all day?"

"Sadly I would enjoy that."


"I hate shopping."

"So do I."

"We need an actual social life."

"How 'bout you guys come to my party." The three of us turned in unison, shocked to have heard the words "you guys" and "party" in the same sentence aimed at us, to find a redhead.

"We can?"

"Yeah totally, you're Amy's friends, right?" She asked. A friend of hers called her over, and she waved at us, "it starts at 7. You know my address Peter, bye!"

"It's Parker." He whispered after her.

The encounter was so quick that for a second I thought I had imagined it, until the same girl walked out of the school, waving at us. "OMG, we've actually been invited to a party."

"Maybe she meant a study party?" Yasmine thought.

Parker turned to us, an incredulous look on his face, "It's kind of sad how you guys have never been to a party."

We both snorted, "Like you have."

"Actually, I have. Many times."

"With who!" Yasmine asked, outraged.

"I have friends, outside from school." He said, rolling his eyes at us. "Oh, and I guess in the end we are going shopping, 'cause you two need something to wear."

After giving him a horrified look, Parker dragged our protesting forms to his car. We really did hate shopping, and probably the only two girls at our school that did. We spent the car ride over trying to distract Parker, thing’s went something like this, "Hey! Look it's McD's. I'm kind of hungry, how 'bout you?"

"Not working, Mia."

"Indigo! You know, the new Mortal instrument book just came out. Let's stop for a minute."

"Keep dreaming, Yas."


By the time we rolled into the mall's parking lot, we had both given up and accepted our fate. We knew Parker was picky when it came to his clothes, and we expected just as much when it came to shopping for us. Our fears were proven justified 3 hours later, after Parker had rejected every single outfit/ dress I found nice, and it was pissing me off.

"I swear to god Parker!" I exclaimed, shoving a dark blue dress back onto the rack, "This is the 20th time you say it's not good enough!"

"Actually, the 17th times."

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