chapter twenty: high school sweethearts or something

Start from the beginning

I laugh and bury myself farther into Noah. "Guess its meant to be, huh?"

"You guess?" Noah asks. "I know we are."

"Oh, do you really?" I ask in a teasing tone 

"Yes, I do," he whispers and just as he's about to kiss me, someone interrupts.

"Jaclynn!" I hear Dani, Johnny's girlfriend squeal and hug me tight.

"Dani, I'm so glad you could come," I say and smile at her.

"Thank you so much for inviting Johnny and I. It's such an honor," she says and pulls Johnny over from talking with Derek and Lauren.

"Well if it isn't little J, the girl who stole my brother's heart," Johnny says.

"Hey, Johnny," I say and he pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks for having us. Your brother is pretty cool," he says pointing in the direction of Lauren and Derek who are talking to my Aunt and Uncle now.

"Oh my goodness, I went to school with Lauren. She was my best friend in middle-school," Dani says. "Lauren?"

Lauren turns around and smiles. "Dani Sanchez?"

They go and queal and catch up and whatever. I see Dee walk in and when she sees me with Noah she winks at me and goes and plants a kiss on Ricky's lips. My mouth falls open and she smirks at me and I give her a thumbs up. I love Dee.

So apparently all of my brothers have girlfriends. Even the twins which seemed hard to believe. Go figure that they're another set of twins. 

Well, all head into the dining room where there are three separate tables set up each one with seating cards. There's the kid's table which I'm so glad I don't have to sit there. My aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents all sit at the medium table and the twins and up sit at the biggest table. Basically the cool table. Dinner is perfect and so is Thanksgiving.


The trial was yesterday. I had to see Dennis again. I nearly threw up when I was testifying. It was rough hearing all of those girls have similar stories to mine. Leah was there to hold my hand through it al whenever she could. When I was testifying I almost didn't say anything. I almost just kept it to myself and not get Dennis arrested. My head was filled with so many thoughts. the main one being what if we lost the case? Then Dennis would be pressed with no chargers and he would be out on the streets doing god knows what to poor girls out there like me and he would come after me for nearly ruining his football career and reputation. But then I saw Noah from across the room. He was sitting there listening to every word that came out of my mouth so when I stumbled across my words and stopped talking he smiled at me and mouthed that it's okay.

That's the only reason Dennis Sutton is in jail for the next seventy plus years. 

I was so ecstatic when it was announced. 

Now it's just me and my friends, at night, on the beach, with a bonfire going. It's chilly but not freezing because it is California after all. The music is playing and everyone is with their person wrapped in a blanket.

"Noah, why don't you play your guitar?" Beck asks.

"I don't know..." Noah says rubbing the back of his neck and looking down. I move away from him so I'm facing him and wrap myself up in his hoodie. 

"I've never heard you play before. Come on, for me?" I ask pouting my lip. 

He looks up at me and his eyes seep into mine. He smiles at me and nods. I clap my hands together and peck him on the lips. He reaches behind him and pulls out his guitar case.

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