chapter sixteen: guess who i have to fucking marry?

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Today is my favorite day of the year. It is Halloween. i freaking love Halloween. I mean the dressing up, the parties, all the fun you have. There's an endless amount of enjoyable things. It is also the day that Tonya, Lydia and I go full hardcore with our costumes. Our dates always look mediocre compared to us.

I pull on some leggings and a cropped shirt and ankle socks before digging for my phone to play music through my speaker. I go into my bathroom dancing around while I curl my hair which leads me to burn myself a few times but I don't mind. I only put on mascara so I don't have much to take off when I'm doing my makeup for my costume.

I run downstairs and when I reach the bottom I walk into the strangest thing. Sully and Freddy are blind folded and standing in the foyer while Lucas stands at the front door.

"What in the world are you three doing?" I ask.

"Correction," I hear someone say from above me.

I look up and see Ricky Lucas and Brian upstairs leaving over the railing.

"It's the six of us," Brian says.

"This is a team contribution, Jaclynn," Lucas says sternly.

"Still does not answer my question," I remind them.

"You see that me and Sully are blindfolded," Freddy says.

"Uh huh," I say slowly.

"They are percisely 40 feet away from me," Sanders says.

"And 16 feet below us," Ricky calls down.

"Our feet are in fuzzy socks that have been doused in a soapy substance to make our feet slide," Sully says.

"There's also a path of oil from here to the front door," Sully says.

"The concept is to get to the front door first," Lucas says.

"But it's more complicated then that," Sanders adds. "I am here to see who gets there first. Ricky, is up there to make sure they aren't using objects or each other to assist them to the door. They each have 200 points. Brian and Lucas have a huge bucket of water balloons which will be dropped from the second floor and onto the ground below. The catch is that the twins have to use their senses to avoid the water balloons."

"For every balloon that touches them that's ten points lost," Brian adds.

"Every fall you loose five points," Luke says

"Every assist is three," Ricky finishes.

"Whoever reaches me second, has to do everyone's chores for a month," Sanders adds.

"Mom and dad aren't home are they?" i ask crossing my arms.

"Nope, they're with Chance at a doctors appointment," Ricky says nonchalantly.

"Wait, what? Why?" I ask panicked.

"It's probably no big deal," Sanders says shrugging it off. I bite my lip and turn into the kitchen.

When Chance was born he had bone cancer. It was so bad that he would have the ear piercing scream whenever he would so much as breathe a certain way. It was horrible to watch him go through. They fixed him and he was cured, thank god, but it hasn't been ten years since the cancer so he still has a chance of developing it again. It gets me worried.

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