🐺 Chapter 11 🐺

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This week's dedication goes to @Annabeth_Chase008 because I love her writing and she added one of my books to her reading list. 

The song is; Please Don't Go, by Joel Adams. ❤

It's been a while now, since everything, but everything has gone, weirdly. Perfect. Everyone is happy, Scott with Allison, me and Stiles, Lydia gets to flirt with a bunch of boys, because her and Jackson broke up, but other than the breakup everything has been oddly normal. I have gotten really close with Allison and Lydia. They are like sisters to me. There for me. It's nice. Allison and Scott are really cute together. I'm so happy he found an amazing girl. I'm really happy that everything is going okay. No attacks. No weird crap that happens with me. We did find Klous though, and he bought, bought a house in Beacon Hills, and wants me to live there. No. But what Deaton told me about this nogitsune never even happened. The black mark on my finger is still there but it's smaller now. So honestly it's freaking me out how normal everything is. "Hey C, come here." Scott asks, and slightly startled me as I walk through high school waiting for Stiles to arrive.

"Hey Scott, where's Stiles?"

"Oh, um, Carla I gotta tell you something." My eyes widen and without any consent my eyes tear up too.

" What?? " I say hastily.

"He is at the hospital."

"What!" I scream, a little to loud so a bunch of faces turn towards me.

"You know how you had to stay a couple nights with Stiles because he's been having nightmares?"

" Yeah, but they are just nightmares, everyone's gets them. "

"The doctor thinks...." He pauses. "thinks that Stiles has the same disease his mother had. " Tears flow fast down my cheeks, the tears are like fire streaming down.

"You promised he'd be okay." I said within sobs.

"He will." I kneel on the ground and sob into my hands, I feel the gazes of people burning but my skull, but I don't care. I feel Scott lift me off the ground and he brings me to a vehicle, not his, it's Stiles's perfect jeep, that always makes him smile. And his smile is my world. I sob, even though I don't have enough reason to sob, I do. I think about everything could go wrong. Nothing good lasts.

Scott places me inside the jeep and he gets on the other side. He closed the door behind him. He stares into my eyes like he sees straight through me. "He is gonna be okay." He reassures me. My minds spins with endless possibilities.

"What if he's not?" I ask hastily. "What if he isn't okay? What if he doesn't make it? What if he goes crazy? What if I lose him?" More tears flow down my cheeks.

" He is going to be okay. I promise. "

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I retort. He stares at me quickly but doesn't say anything. He pulls in front of the hospital and I run out of the jeep, instantly missing Stiles's scent. I run into the building, and instantly see Melissa, and she grabs me and pulls me into a hug unexpectedly. I cry into her shoulder, for a good minute then pull back. "Where is he?" I ask. She grabs my hand and pulls me into a room and I see Stiles and his dad. Stiles, in a hospital gown, sitting up right before going in for a cat scan. Stiles and his dad see me, and Noah, aka Stiles's dad, pulls back. I run over to Stiles and he stares at me with teary eyes. Seeing him sad, it kills me. Murders me from the inside out.

"Hey." He says trying to be casual.

"Hey." I say back. The tears started rushing down my cheeks again bringing me into a sob. Stiles grabs a hold of me and just holds me as I sob into his shoulder.

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