chapter 25: the full moon

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We just got Ron out of the tree whole and set him against the whomping willow. Hermione and I were taking care of him while Harry went to talk to Sirius and Lupin was watching Peter. Hermione and Ron were talking about his ankle and I sort of zoned out thinking about the relation of Sirius and my mom.
" Alex are you alright?" I shook my head at her." What's wrong?" she asked looking at me concerned.
" Hermione, what do you think Sirius meant when we said she would never betray his family back in the shriek shack." I was very curios about the whole thing.
" I don't know what your getting at Alex." I sighed and looked a her feeling hopeless.
" It's just while we were their whenever my mom's name was mentioned his eyes would always soften or he would just look down. I've seen pictures of my mother and I see that they have a bit of resemblance." And for the first time in ages hermione just shrugged saying that she didn't know.
" Why don't you ask Professor Lupin. He might know something." suggested Ron and I stood up and walk up to Lupin.
" Professor?" He looked at me and smiled
" I was Just wondering. Why is it when someone would mention my mom Sirius would act very weird." He sighed and rubbed his temple.
" I don't believe it's my place to tell, Alex." He said and looked at me with sorrow.
"Please? She was my mother. I believe I have a right to know." He nodded his head at me and I smiled at him.
" Well Sirius and your mother had a very strong relationship. Sirius was very protective over her and loved with all his heart. Like any older brother would for his sister." I looked at him in shocked and he nodded his head.
" So your telling me that Sirius is my uncle?" He nodded my head. So there are people in my family from my mother's side that do exist. I have someone to remind me of my mother.
" Why don't you go talk to him." I was hesitant for a moment but nodded my head and walked up to Harry and Sirius. They both had their backs to me and were looking at the castle. I had to admit the castle did look beautiful.
" I like looking at the castle at night too." I said causing them to jump. I lightly chuckled and Harry glared at me. " Sirius?" I called and he looked at me and I smiled at him.
" Would it be alright if I called you Uncle Sirius." I smiled at him and he smiled back and Hugged me in a very tight hug. Harry looked at us confuse and when we pulled away and he kiss me on my forehead.
" You can call me whatever you like." I nodded my head at him and looked at Harry.
" Can someone please explain me what's going on." asked Harry causing Sirius and I to chuckle.
" Harry, Sirius is my uncle as in my mother's sister." He looked at us and smiled.
" Well as a matter of fact Sirius happens to be my godfather." I smiled at him knowing he finally has a family that he was looking for.
" Harry I was actually wonder if you didn't like living with your muggle family then you could live with me." Harry smiled and nodded his head. Harry's life is turning around and we were all Happy.
"HARRY." shouted the voice that belonged to Hermione. We turned around and she pointed up at the sky which had a full moon. I went wide eye and looked at professor Lupin to see him looking at the moon in horror and the looked like he was in pain.
" He was my old friends. Have you taken your potion tonight." Lupin was yelling in pain. Harry and I walked to Ron and Hermione and stuck together. " YOU KNOW THE MAN WHO YOU TRULY ARE REMUS. THIS HEART IS WHEERE YOU TRULY LIVE THIS HEART HERE." Uncle Sirius yelled trying to steady professor Lupin who started to yell even more. From how much he was in pain he dropped his wand which caused Peter to pick it up. Harry disarmed the wand from Peter who smirked at him and waves then transformed into a rat. Harry wanted to run after him but Hermione stopped him. That didn't stop me so I ran after him.
" ALEX!!!"
" ALEX COME BACK." I ignored the calls and kept on running after the rat. I tried remembering a spell that can help but I had no hope. I only had the Acio spell in my mind So i used it.
" Acio Rat." I screamed and the rat came to my hand it started to squirm so I also yelled.
" Petrificus Totalus." And he froze and I walked back to everyone and saw that Lupin started approaching them in his wolf form. Just in time for a big black dog to lunge at him and they were fighting. I approached Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ALEX. YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN KILLED." yelled Harry and I just held the rat out in my hands.
" You get Petegrew?" Asked Harry and I nodded and they all looked at me shocked. I then looked at the fight and saw Lupin throw Sirius and he flew through the air and went to landed somewhere. Then Professor Snape came.
" There you are." he must of not noticed that there is a werewolf behind him because I had to scream in order for him to realize that Lupin in approaching us and may attack. He turned around and them spread his arms around us then Lupin came and hit Snape causing us all to fall. Then Uncle Sirius came back and they all fought again but this time Lupin didn't leave him then Uncle Sirius led him away from us.
" Uncle." I shouted the same time Harry shouted " Sirius" and he took off running with Snape shouting for us to come back. He saw that Lupin threw Uncle Sirius so Harry threw a rock at him. He looked at us then started to approch until we heard a howl and he took off running. We looked forward to see uncle sirius limping. I was about to go to him when Harry stopped me.
" No. You go take Petegrew and take him to your father and I'll see how Sirius is doing and take him to the Hospital Wing." I was hesitant but nodded and ran back not before turning to Harry.
" HARRY." I shouted and he stopped and turned around " Be careful." He nodded and ran off and I went to Snape and everyone else.
" Where's Potter?" Asked Snape.
" He'll be on his way. In the mean time I need to see my father and Ron needs to be taken to the hospital wing." I said and everyone nodded and we went to the castle.
" I'm going to my father. All of you go to the Hospital Wing." I said and making my way to father's office with the rat in my hand

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