Chapter 9: telling everyone

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     After madam Pomfrey allowed me to leave the hospital wing, I decided to skip class and hang out by the back lake. When I told Harry and the Weasley's, they agreed and told Cedric, Blaise, Luna, and Hermione, Seamus, and Dean.

     "I'm gonna tell father that we'll be skipping class just so we won't get in trouble," I whispered to Harry, who nodded in agreement and joined the Weasley's. I finished getting ready and moved to leave the hospital wing, not until I stopped by Malfoy's bed. He was still asleep, and he looked different from how I've always known him. He looked relaxed and, for some reason, sweet. He was rather good looking. 


     What was I saying? It's is Malfoy we're talking about here. He is nowhere near sweet or good looking. Snap out of it, Alexandra. 

I walked out of the hospital wing and to my father's office.

"Sherbet lemon," I said to the statue who left me in. I knocked on my father's door. 

"Come in." His voice called to from the other side of the door. 

"It's me, father," I said opening the door. 

     "Hello, my dear." He greeted standing up. "I'm glad you're out of the hospital. How are you?" He asked hugging me. I hugged him back with my good arm.

     "I'm doing good aside from this sling I have to wear for another two weeks. But otherwise, I'm doing alright." I gestured to my arm and shoulder that is wrapped tightly. 

     "I'm very glad you are. I was worried when you were taken to the hospital wing." He said and I smiled at his concern.  

"I'm fine, father." 

"Now what is it that you needed?" He asked me.
"How did you know?" I asked him as he walked towards his desk.
"Lucky guess." I chuckled
"Well, I was wondering if the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione, Blaise, Luna, Cedric and I can skip classes today," I asked
"I assume you have a reason for that?" He asked sitting behind his desk. 

     "I wanted to tell them. The rest of my friends about being your daughter and I were hopping the black lake would be suitable since students will be in class." I asked. Father thought about it for a while but he agreed and said that he will arrange a private picnic for us. I thanked him and left to meet up with everyone. They waited for me at the entrance and we left the Black lake together. 

      "So Dumbledore agreed to have all of us excused from classes?" Cedric asked as we walked to our spot.
     "Yes, and he will be telling our professors but he did say that it's our responsibility to catch up to what we missed," I said to them.
     "That won't be a problem for Hermione. She's probably done before the semester even started," Ron commented making us all laugh and Hermione glared at him.
"Very funny Ronald." She grumbled. We walked to the black lake and they were all surprised to see that the black lake was set up. 

"Wow, the black lake never looked better." Ginny comments. 



     That was the response I got from everyone. I looked at the tables that my father set up for a moment before pulling out my wand and giving it a slight swiff making food appear on the table. Everyone laughed and looked at me. 

     "I just felt like it was missing something." I joked making them laugh and scatter to the tables and start eating. I walked over to Cedric and Blaise's table and started talking to them. 

"You've outdone yourself this time Alex," Cedric commented. 

"How on earth did you convince Dumbledore for all of this?" Blaise asked gesturing to the tables.  

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