Chapter 29 - I Spy with my Eye

Start from the beginning

"Wow," Kenra began raising his eyebrows a bit. "He blocked it."

"Huh?" Romus asked feeling a surging of hope well up in his chest as he leaned over the mirror eagerly searching for what his uncle meant. "What do you mean uncle?" 

Kenra pointed his finger and Romus followed his uncle's hand to the point where his Mortal had been stabbed. He could see it, his Mortal had reacted to Shard's attack and had blocked the thrust from piercing him in his vitals! He could- Romus' high hopes were dashed though as shard withdrew his spear and suddenly his Mortal's body was riddled with stab wounds. Red drops of blood were leaking out the corners of his Mortal's mouth now as he feel from the sky.

Again Romus felt his anger beginning to over flow from his body, his body began to radiate with green fire while Idenia quietly snickered to herself. "Looks like you lose again dear brother." She said holding a hand to her mouth.

"Lose?" Kenra asked looking at them both. "Lose what?"

"Nothing uncle..." Romus said wistfully before he spat at his sister. "And you just shut up! At least mine was willing to fight!"

"Just means yours was stupid little brother." Idenia said with a giggle.

"Shut up!" Romus shouted making the entire Chamber begin to waver as his power began to radiate from him once again. "Yours wouldn't have done any better!"

"Okay that's enough!" Kenra shouted getting up to his feet, his voice echoing so much that it was like a chorus of voices speaking along with him. The irises in his eyes flashed for just an instant and in that same moment the Chamber of the Cosmos was returned to it's solid state. Both Romus and Idenia shrank away from their uncle as he towered above both of them. "Now you tell me what's going on and you tell me right now!"

Both siblings let out a gulp before they exchanged looks with the other before they each nodded their heads. They told their uncle of their game that they were playing, they told him of the rules, about how their Mortals were made, and even that it's been going on for several generations. The next part they told them about was how their uncle Drian wanted to play their game and that his Mortal had been around, but he hasn't really been participating in the game. They told him how Drian's mortal really only seemed to care about wreaking havoc on the world they lived on. When they were all done both siblings waited for a punishment to come but when they both tentatively opened their eyes they found their uncle with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Is that what he was talking about when Iro summoned him?" Kenra asked in a flat tone. "This 'game' of yours? I vaguely recall him mentioning some form of game to your father. Is this what he was talking about?"

"Y- yessir." Romus said with his head down, the anger he felt a moment ago now gone, and instead replaced with a fear of being punished for this game of theirs. "Are you going to say anything to father?"

At that Kenra just scoffed and waved his hand at them. "Your father made it clear when he made the Mortal Realm. Anything that you decide to do with your portion of it is your responsibility to deal with." As one the pair of them let out a sigh of relief, only for their bodies to go absolutely rigid once again. "That being said, you will need to watch this world even closer now that you've introduced actual beings of Celestial power."

Kenra let out a large sigh as he looked down at the Viewing Mirror once again to find that Shard was now facing off with both of their Mortals, but he looked like he couldn't be any less interested. He turned from the mirror and began walking away prompting both of the siblings to ask where he was going, thinking he was on his way to tell their father about what they'd done. "I'm going back home." He said flatly as the Chamber of the Cosmos opened back up revealing a now torrential down pouring of rain, and massive waves washing over the castle walls of Kenra's home. The Chamber was filled with flashes of light and the roaring of both the ocean and sky, yet their uncle seemed neither phased nor worried about it as he turned his gaze back to them. "Try not to ruin the Mortal Realm with your game. They're just mortals, but who knows what giving some Celestial powers will do."

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