Chapter 21

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Sam's clock read 3:36 am. He was wide awake and staring at the ceiling. Ever since they lost Hali, he hadn't been able to sleep. His mind was hyper active every single second. He couldn't stop all the thoughts that raced through his brain.

The younger Winchester turned this way and that, not being able to find a comfortable position. A part of him was missing; a part he couldn't live without... a part he wouldn't live without. He watched as the minutes ticked by agonizingly slow. It had become routine for him, but it never got easier.

Dean's eyes fluttered open around six am. He looked around and found himself disoriented. It took him a moment to figure things out; he was in Liv's room still. His gaze shifted down and there she was; asleep. Somehow, through the corse of the night, the both of them shifted slightly and were almost fully laying down. The iPod was long gone, lost on the bed somewhere. Her head was resting on his chest and her hand lay over his heart. With more of his senses awakening, he realized their legs became tangled up with one another as well.

Dean had never felt so... complete... in his life. He would give anything to have this be his reality everyday; waking up next to her... being able to love her. If only things were different.

He knew this would change things, but he didn't care... he let this happen. Dean knew he couldn't stay though; he couldn't be there when she woke up. Because if he was, he would give in to all the temptations.

Thinking it over in his head, he dipped his head down and placed a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead. His lips hesitated, and didn't want to move away, but he had to.

Being careful to not wake her up, Dean shifted her over so he could climb out of her bed. He immediately missed the warmth from her body. With everything in his body telling him to take her back into his arms, he quietly walked to her door and left.

Dean walked through the halls of the bunker to the kitchen. He went in to see Sam sitting at the table with a cup of coffee.

"You're up early," Dean commented still half asleep.

"Couldn't sleep," Sam said in a distant matter. In his mind, he was somewhere else; he couldn't stop thinking about Hali.

"We'll find her," Dean said knowing what was bothering his brother.

Sam looked up to meet his brothers gaze. He gave his best shot at a hopeful smile.

"So, tonight's the night we try for the demon?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "How's she doing?" He asked referring to Liv.

"As good as any of us... just getting by," Dean sighed.

"You spent the night with her didn't you?"

"We didn't do anything," the elder Winchester was quick to say. "How did you even know?"

"I don't know... you just seemed oddly relaxed when you walked in. I figured it was her who made you feel like that."

A soft smile graced Dean's lips. "Yeah," he said in a content manner. "But no more chick-flick moments."

"Alright," Sam said putting his hands up in surrender. "So, we sneak out tonight?"

"Yeah, that way she doesn't know."


Liv was curled up in her bed, still peacefully asleep. That was the first night she actually got some rest.

"Hello, Liv," a deep voice suddenly said next to her side of the bed.

"Aghhhh!" She screamed waking up and sitting up in bed. It took only a moment for her eyes to adjust. The voice that scared the shit out of her belonged to the trench coated angel. "Cas," she sighed rubbing a hand down her face. She legit just had a heart attack.

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