Chapter 15

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"Like Hell you are!" Dean barked.

"Dean, it's the best option here!" Sam argued.

The boys were up late arguing in the kitchen while the girls slept. Sam wanted to go ahead and close the gates, but Dean still thinks it's a bad idea, and he has every reason to think so.

"I mean, you heard what Cas told us the other day! Demons are looking for Hali, they don't want her alive. I can't let that happen, I have to protect her." A few days ago, after the vengeful spirit case, Cas had visited the boys again and updated them on where everything stood.

"You'll die, Sam," Dean said more softly. His whole life has been about looking out for and keeping his little brother safe. If he let Sam do this, then he sees that as failing.

"It's better me than her, you know that," Sam said lowering his voice as well. "We don't even know if it will work. I may have to redo the trials, or I may not be able to do them at all for a second time."

"So what, we give Hali the tablet? Let her read it and be like, 'yeah, by the way, your boyfriend is gonna die, but you know, it's for you, so there's no reason to feel guilty'?" Dean said in a mocking tone.

Sam was silent for a moment. "We're not going to tell her," he finally said. "We're not going to tell her or Liv, that way Liv doesn't have to lie to Hali."

"Sam, we promised we wouldn't keep things from them," Dean reasoned.

"Yeah, and I knew when I promised Hali that, I would break it," Sam confessed.

"How are we gonna have her read the tablet without her seeing the part where you die?"

"Well, I'm guessing that would be in a separate section. All we have to do is make sure she reads the right part."

"Yeah, like there's no possible way that plan can go sideways," Dean scoffed.

"Come on man, work with me here," Sam said tired of this shit.

"Fine, in the morning, we lie to the girls and have Hali read the tablet. But if things go to hell, that's on you," Dean said as he left the kitchen and made his way back to his room.

Sam stayed there for a moment. He knew it was a horrible idea, but it was the best they could do for the time being. In the back of his mind, he knew he wouldn't even think twice about laying his life down for Hali. It was almost like a natural instinct; if things came to it, he wouldn't have a fleeting second of hesitation.

He finally decided to try and get his four hours and headed to his room for the night. Before he opened his door, he walked over to Hali's. Quietly, he opened her's. The light from the hallway washed over the room. Sam was able to see her peacefully sleeping all curled up in her bed. Honestly, he hated having to lie to her, but he knew that if she found out the plan, she would surly stop him. After watching her steady breathing for a few more moments, Sam softly shut her door and retired to his room.


The next morning, Sam and Hali were sat at the table in the kitchen having some breakfast. Normally, Dean was the last to rise, but today he was up before Liv. Cas was also there, because Sam had called him this morning to be there when Hali read the tablet... which he still hasn't told her she was going to do.

Liv finally stumbled into the room. Her hair was in a top bun and she was wearing leggings with an extremely baggy sweatshirt.

"Guess who decided to get there ass out of bed," Dean said when she walked in.

"I think I'm entitled to sleep, Dean. I mean, I can't half the time," she napped referring to the fact that she had insomnia. Plus, she was already in a mood this morning.

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