Chapter 16

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Dean was awakened from his restless sleep with a faint ringing. As his eyes opened, he was disoriented and couldn't figure out what the noise was. His fuzzy thoughts slowly became more clear, and he realized the sound was his phone. Reaching over to the nightstand, Dean grabbed the device. Looking at it, he noticed it was an unknown number, and the stranger part was that it was two in the morning. Who the hell would call at such an hour?

"Hello?" His groggy voice asked.

"Dean Winchester?" A female voice questioned.

"Who wants to know?" Dean was fully awake now with the mention of his name. Almost no one should have his cell number.

"This is Officer Kathleen. We worked a case in Hibbing, Minnesota years back." She explained.

"What kind of case?" Dean asked.

"Remember? Your brother got taken by these people who hunted others for fun."

As she said that, the elder Winchester remembered that chain of events all too well. For once, nothing Supernatural was terrorizing a town; it was just people. Which, as far he was concerned, was worse than any creature.

"I remember," Dean said. "Are you alright? What's going on?" Him and his brother only got calls from people they worked with before if there was a problem.

"I'm fine, but there's this town in Tennessee that's having some trouble. A friend of mine, whose a cop, called asking for help, knowing I worked a similar job." Kathleen said.

"Send me the details, and my brother and I will check it out."

"Thank you so much," she said.

"Of course. Take care," Dean explained.

"You too," she said hanging up.

Dean was more than happy to take this case. Whatever it took to prolong the inevitable with the gates of Hell, he would gladly do. This meant that his brother would at least be alive another week. Plus, it gave him more time to try and find a way to save Sam.

He knew it would take a generous amount of time to get to Tennessee, so the earlier they could get on the road, the better. Dean got out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans he had laying in the floor. His movements were so quick, he almost tripped over himself countless times. He also quickly grabbed a flannel from the drawer. While he walked down the hall, he fiddled with that last of the buttons on his shirt. With a small smirk, Dean stopped at Liv's door. His fist pounded on the wood.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" He sang out.

"The hell, Dean?!" He heard her grumble. "It's the crack of it's still dark out!"

He chuckled at her reaction. "Meet in the study," he told her. Dean stopped at his brother's and Hali's rooms to wake them as well. Once he was in the study, he settled at one of the tables with a laptop. He started to pull up the information Kathleen sent him.

"This better be good," Liv warned as she walked in a few minutes later. She wasn't sleeping, because she almost never did, but still, she would have much more liked to have gone undisturbed.

"It should be, sweetheart," Dean said as Sam and Hali appeared half asleep still.

"I swear to god, Dean," Sam mumbled as he rubbed his temples.

"Quit your whining," Dean said.

"Jerk," Sam said under his breath as he sat down across from his brother.

"Bitch," he shot back.

Hali went over and took a seat next to Sam. She moved the chair over to be closer to him. A moment later, her head rested on his upper arm, she was pretty much still asleep.

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