Chapter 20

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It's been two weeks since Hali got taken. Everyone was starting to get worried since they haven't heard from Crowley. Almost as busy work, Dean tried to find a demon for closing the gates. But, things were quiet, nothing strange and out of the norm that might lead to demons. That's how Dean came up with the assumption that the demons took Hali so the gates wouldn't be closed. Those bastards knew the Winchesters wouldn't close Hell with one of their own down there. Now, the hell crawlers were avoiding coming top side, and somehow resisted being summoned.

Dean knew there was one more form of summoning left to try, but he was praying they wouldn't have to use it. He didn't want Liv to know about a crossroads demon, he didn't ever want her to sell her soul. He knew that in the right situation, she wouldn't hesitate in doing so if she knew about it.

The bunker had been quiet, no one has really talked to one another. Sam avoided his brother as much as he could. He's been trying to find a way into Hell to save Hali, but he wasn't able to summon a reaper. Because, not to his knowledge, Cas had instructed that all reapers fight being summoned by the younger Winchester. Liv was the one that told Cas to do so. She's been trying to find her own reaper to get her through, but no one will agree. That's why she's still top side and not rescuing her friend. Cas had been helping her in finding a possible alternate way into Hell, but it's not been easy.

Liv had been going crazy with not being able to do anything. The fact that she had a plan, but couldn't act upon it, was killing her. She didn't know how much time she could waist waiting around like she had been.

Dean walked through the hall to his room, but he stopped before opening his door. He peered down the hall to Liv's door. She had been locked in her room for almost all of the two weeks. Rarely, he would catch a glimpse of her when she entered the library to grab more books. She's created quite the collection in her room. She was smart though, she took an assortment of books, they didn't even go together. That way, Sam and Dean wouldn't be able to figure out what she was trying to do.

Dean was greatly worried about her. When he saw her, she wouldn't even look his way, let alone talk to him. He knew for a fact that she wasn't eating and could tell she was getting thin. He knew they needed to get Hali back, because with the way Liv was living, she wasn't going to survive much longer.

That's why, when she entered the study all cleaned up in black ripped jeans and a tank top with a blue flannel over it, he was surprised. Her hair was straightened and he even saw some eye shadow on her. She even made eye contact with him. It was the first time in two weeks and he didn't know until then how much he missed her blue eyes.

"Hey," Dean said to her.

Sam looked up from his spot at the table next to Dean. His face was buried in a book and he didn't notice Liv until Dean spoke.

"Hi," she said. Liv felt bad that she hasn't been there for the boys. She was hurting, but she knew they were as well. With one look at Sam, she could tell he was a complete wreck.

"How are you?" Dean asked not really sure if what else to say.        

"I'm ok," she told him. "Have you found anything?"

"Not a damn sign of a demon. They must have taken her because they didn't want Hell closed. They must have realized our plan," he explained with a tired sigh. "Have you found anything in your 'secret' research?"

"Not yet," she explained.

"I was about to go get some diner, what do you want?" He asked her.

"Nothing, I'm alright."

"It wasn't an option. You haven't eaten in weeks. So, you either tell me what you want, or I'm choosing for you." The more time she spent in front of his eyes, the more he could tell how unwell she was. Her flannel that normally fit her perfectly was baggy; she was wearing away. It hurt him to see her that way.

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