(EXO) At the store

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A/N: i had originally published this on kpop fanfiction amino

Suho: the one to drive there and have a list all planned out. Divides the list between the members and stresses that he trusts them to not do anything bad while mom isn't watching over them. Chooses leaders of teams for each isle and assigns a time to meet back up.

Tao: immediately gets distracted and wanders off, not listening to suho. He checks out all the types of eyeliner before baekhyun can get to them because he wants first pick.

Kris: offended that he didn't get picked as leader of the cereal isle especially since he's the only one that can reach the cocoa crisps on that team.

Luhan: tries to sneak away so he can check out the sports magazines and learn what he has to do to beat everyone in soccer again.

Lay: forgets what he has to get immediately and where his team went so he stays with suho and handles eggs and milk.

Chen: plans to sneak off and get multiple samples of each sample because yolo. Gets caught and ends up in suho's crowd.

Xiumin: side eyes Chen because he knew this would happen. Eats the samples he gets taken away from him.

Sehun: rolls his eyes at everything. Doesn't know why they have to stay that long and why everyone can't work in a team to get this over with. "Why do we need makeup wipes? Because Baekhyun and Tao are too lazy to take off their eyeliner like a regular person?"

Kai: immediately finds himself in the deli where he begs the sample lady for chicken even though she's serving turkey.

Do: watches Kai and warns him when suho's near because he wants Kai to be happy.

Chanyeol: gives a piggy back ride to baekhyun and knocks over a display.

Baekhyun: runs away from chanyeol and smack into suho. Spends the rest of the day handcuffed by suho's hand to the shopping cart.

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