(BTS) Your first date

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Jimin: he would take you to a bakery, that also has ice cream. He loves sweets, and hopes you do too. He would be excited pulling you into the place, smelling every baked good before deciding which one he wanted. When you picked yours, he suddenly felt very jealous since he feels he should have picked that one. Hell just sneak a bite of yours. When it cones to the ice cream part, he'd sample every flavor, and end up getting two scoops of chocolate. You pick yours and he giggles, happy to eat now. You two spend the date eating and stealing bites from each others food, not that it matters. "Jagi, you have ice cream on your nose." You check your phone. "No I don-" he poked your nose and you felt something cold. "Now you do!" He kisses your nose and you blush. "Yah, that was cheesy." "But you love it."

Jin: jin would take you to a nice resteraunt, knowing that he wants to make a good impression. He'd pick you up at 6, dressed to the nines, and the whole time you'd wonder if you were dressed up enough. When you get there, you don't know what to order. Everything's so expensive. The waiter comes over and jin starts ordering, starting with lobster and ending with the appetizers. He orders a wine you can't even pronounce (or legally drink for some of you), and smiles. "What would you like?" You blush. "I'll have what he had." He widens his eyes and turns to the waiter. "Ah, ok then. Make that two of what I just ordered." The food comes and there's so much you don't know how it's going to fit on the table. Why did you order what he did? Jin laugh, trying to clear the awkward air around you two. "Let's dig in." After most of the food is finished, and you two leave, jin takes you home and to you that's the best part of the night. He walks you up to your door and looks down. "I had an amazing time." "Even with everything that happened? I tried so hard to make it perfect....." You cut jin off by kissing him. "It was perfect."

Jungkook: jungkook would take you to a roller rink. It's an arcade also, and he wanted to show off his high scores. The only problem... He didn't know how to roller skate. He didn't think it would be that hard. He was wrong. He ran straight to the arcade when you got there, but you wanted to skate, so you begged him to skate first. He got a pair of in lines, and put them on, then when he stood up, he fell, blushing like crazy. "Jungkook, are you ok?"
"I'm fine.. I just havent skated in a while. Last one there pays for lunch!" He got up and started skating to the rink, hoping if he went fast he could get it. He was embarrassed enough, he didn't want to seem like he was though.
He paid for lunch.
"Jungkook, I'll help you skate if you need."
"I don't need help, I know how."
"We both know that's a lie."
He blushes, then smiles and nods. "Yeax that's be great." You slowly teach him how to skate, his arm around your shoulders as you skate slowly. He never did get to show you his highscores but by the end of the date he had forgotten about it. "Look! I'm getting better!"
"Good job! Im proud of you!"
"Am I manly now?"
"You always were."

Rapmonster: rapmon would take you to the a coffee shop. He knew it was cliche, but he wanted to get to know you and he liked coffee. He'd order for you, letting you get comfortable in your chair, and bring you your coffee. It wasn't just an ordinary coffee shop, this one he's been going to for years. It's family owned and he always tries to help out smaller businesses. "I used to work here you know."
"No way. Really?"
"Yea. I was a barista. I'm still pretty good at making coffee."
You sip your coffee and smile. "If its anything like this I'll have to have you make me some then."
"I'll make that our next date."
You blush thinking about going out with him again. "Sure."
You two talk more as you sip your coffee, talking about your past and everything you hoped to be. It was cool just sitting here talking, you didnt know how cool he was. At the end of the date, your coffees were finished, but you still stayed. He drove you home when it got dark, and walked you to your door. "I had a really nice time. I'll have to practice my coffee making skills for next time."
He leans in and kisses you on your cheek, taking your hand and slowly walking away as he leaves. "Next time." You say and blush, walking inside not knowing how you could sleep with your excitement for next time.

Suga: yoongi would take you to a music store, knowing both you and him loved music. He'd hold your hand as you walked through the aisles, having to let go when you squealed about certain CDs or albums. "Oh my gosh seventeens new album? But bigbangs made album came out too..." When you wee wondering which one to get, He'd laugh and hold up a bts album. "I think you should give this a listen. You'd blush, embarrassed that youd forgotten you're on a date with a kpop star, and grab the bts album. "You know what, I'll buy you all three." You shake your head, you didn't want yoongi to buy all those for you. "I insist. I'll listen to them with you." You smile and watch as he buys you the albums. He does keep his promise. The next date is just you two sitting at home in each others arms, listening to music and sugas soft rapping along to the lyrics.

Jhope: jhope would take you to a candy store. He'd have saved up a lot of money just to buy candy and show you his favorite ones. He'd let you pick out a few and in the end spend a good half of his paycheck on fancy candy. He'd sit down and feed you all of his favorites. It doesn't matter if you don't like chocolate you're gonna like chocolate. "What do you mean you dont like chocolate? Most of these are chocolates. Maybe you just havent had enough. Oh well. More for me." After most of the candy is gonna and you're both pretty hyped up on candy, a bts song would start playing, and jhope would get up, and start dancing. After a little he'd pull you up to join him and all the whole the people in the store would be staring. But you didn't care, because you were having the best time dancing along

V:v would take you to a playground. Hed drive you to the playground, not telling you where you were going. You'd guess as soon as you saw the sign for the park, but he wouldn't tell you anyway. "We could be going to the lake. Or the soccer field." "Taehyung you don't play soccer."
"Psh. It's never too late to learn."
He'd get out and be excited, since he's always wanted to come here with someone else. Jhope comes but he wouldn't stay long. V needed someone to play with and you seemed to share the same spirit so he was excited.
When he pulls you over to the swings you laugh and stop.
"Taehyung you know I knew the whole time."
"Whatever! Let's play! Tag!" he'd start running away and up the playground, climbing like a monkey and acting like one too. "You'll never get me!"
"You haven't met me then."
He'd scramble down and go down the slide, and you'd go after him. Running around the playground you wouldn't get tired, because you had to...

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