(High4) When youre crying

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Anyone know high4? Sorry if I get them wrong, I'm still pretty new.

Alex: alex would come over and hug you. His strong arms wrapped around you, making you feel safe, as he runs his hands through your hair and murmurs soft things in your ear. "You're ok. Its ok. I'm here now." He'd stay like that for however long you need, and even though he would like you to tell him why you're crying, he wouldn't push you. "I'm always here."
Myunghan: myunghan would come over quickly and hug you, rocking you and holding you tightly. "Nono baby don't cry. Whyre you crying?" He'd hold you until you stopped crying, then do aegyo to make you smile. He'd let you forget about it, but he would ask you later why you were crying. He wants you to know you can trust in him, but he also wants to see you happy.

Sunggu: sunggu would see you crying, and do a double take. You don't cry often and when you do its never in front of him. At first he doesn't know how to react, but he slowly makes his way over to where you are sitting. He doesn't say anything, just let's you scoot into his chest and he holds you, just letting you cry for a while. He holds your hand and squeezes it, hoping to make you feel better. If you wanted to talk he'd listen, though he might not know what to say at first. He'd be a really great listener and I think with time he'd be better at handling it, but he tries his best and he just wants you to be ok.

Youngjun: youngjun would also be a little awkward, but as soon ad he saw you crying he would go to you immediately. He'd hold your hand, wiping your tears from your face as he speaks gently.
"What's wrong?"
He'd urge you to speak, because he doesn't think he can help much if he doesn't know why you're crying. He wants to eliminate the problem so you won't cry anymore. If you didn't tell him he'd ask you if you wanted to be alone, and depending on your answer, he would respect it and follow. He wants to make you comfortable, and the way he knows how is to ask. "I'm here if you need me."

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