(Exo- Baekhyun) I promise you

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This is for ThatsMyInnocentDeer. Hope you like it!
No smut though. Just...some adult language I guess.

"Jagiya, you know I cant live without you."
The tears in your now almost ex-boyfriend baekhyun's eyes swell up and start to run down his cheeks. His face is puffy and red, ans he sniffs every so often, but cant wile his face since hes using his hands to hold on to you."
"You've given me no good reasons to stay. But ive got plenty to leave. Tell me baekhyun, doesnt this sound like the right idea to you? You never think about what its like for me." You try to fight back the emotions but instead they come out in angry growls and you hate yourself for making this so dramatic. You just need to go. Forget about him. Its easier.
He shakes his head and tries to pull you into his arms. You refuse so he simply looks to you in despair. "Jagi..."
"Dont call me that."
He looks down and another tear rolls down his cheek.
"______. I do think about how you feel. All the time. Everything I do is to make you happy."
You lose it and yank your hand away from him.
He flinches and doesnt reach for your arm or shoulder again. He stands still and looks at you, shaking and you can see all the pain in his eyes.
"It still stands true. This isnt a good decision because its not true. I cant let you leave on a lie, a lie that makes me seem like I hurt you so much. I cant lose you, lose your love, your presence, just because of a misunderstanding."
You feel the anger boil again. Hes tried to explain it before but theres almost no getting through. "Then explain it baekhyun! Explain how I caught you in bed with another woman both half fucking naked!" The tears stream down as you remember the memories. How angry you were. How heartbroken you were. all your insecurities came back. Was he not satisfied by you? Does he not love you anymore? Was baekhyun lying this whole time? Playing you? The doubts Tortue you and make you want to scream, almost wanting to believe baekhyun just to get them to stop, but you know they wont stop until you know the truth for sure. And youre going with what seems most true. Baekhyuns cheating on you, you caught him. You dont need to listen to his doubts. "Baekhyun, youre just hurting me more. I need you to leave now." You look down and point to the door, covering your hand with your face. Baekhyun drops his mouth in shock, big fat tears dripping off his face. "____, I promise you. I wouldn't lie to you. Have I ever lied to you before? Im not leaving until I explain everything. Leaving will only hurt us both."
He takes a breath and steps toward you, slowly and he reaches out his hand. You don't stop him this time, tired of fighting. He cups your face with his hand, pulling your hand away with his other one. He smiles a bit, wiping your face and staring at you. "____, jagi...im so sorry. Nothing happened, I promise. I...I just got a little drunk with the boys and that night...everything was crazy. Kais girlfriend got in my car...and for some reason I thought it was you...you know how I get when im drunk. I didnt remember you leaving and thought you were coming home with me..." he stops, taking a breath and making sure youre ok before continuing. "I didn't do anything, I promise. You know I dont like to sleep with you when im drunk, how it makes me feel afterwards when youre sober. why would I do anything now?" He strokes your face and leans in, resting his forehead against your head. Hes hesitant, for good reason. You dont know how you feel about this, and youll probably scold yourself later but, you want to savor this moment, if its the last one youll have. You sink to his touch softly and take a minute to take everything in. Youve met kais girlfriend, once. But you were so taken by rage you didnt see the girl much. Now that you think about it, she probably was. And only she was in her underwear. Baekhyun at least had pants on. This is making you confused. Should you believe him? You want to. You want to so bad. But you dont want to be hurt again. "Why should I believe you? What if youre just lying to me? What if you were lying to me this whole time? Do you even love me?" you turn to face him, looking up and putting on a brave face. You let your insecurities out, and you can see it break him as he realizes what you've been thinking. He hugs you tightly again, back hugging you since you turn away from crying. He rests his head on top of yours and strokes your hair. "Jagi....I would never. I promise, we can go meet kai and his girlfriend for lunch tomorrow, or we can meet her right now, anything just to make you believe that I love you with all of my heart and that will never change. You're the only one I love. the only one I touch. Thats never gonna change, because I want you in my life forever jagi." He breathes shakily. you hitch your breath and wonder if this is what you think it is. You didn't know if youre ready to say yes or not. "And one day jagi, ill prove to you for that. Ill get down on one knee and ill take your hand and if youll have me ill make the bond between us permanant. Not that its not already, but I think it'd be beneficial for both of us. To be bound by law and love, and I promise ill never lise your trust again." He starts crying again, playing with your hands and linking his fingers through. Tears soak through your hair and he smiles, leaning down and kissing your cheek. "Sorry for the 'shower' jagi. Didnt mean to ruin your hair." you almost feel like giggling, so you do. though its sad you could have guessed that he would make something sweet of this.
He feels a weight lifted off his heart as you giggle, smiling widely in relief as your laugh warms his heart. He just wants to see you smile. His sole purpose, soul passion is to make you smile, and seeing you cry makes him feel like he failed. Your smile is his lifeblood, his muse, and though you say his is cuter, he always argues you're wrong.
You two hold each other for what seems like hours and seconds all together. Its bittersweet when he finally pulls away, but you feel the warmth come back when he looks into your eyes, all the love in the world shining through and bouncing back, your love returning to him.

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