Chapter 3: Enter Apollo

Start from the beginning

Jason quickly hurries to her side, "It can't be..."

Reyna was shaking in anger. "Chiron, where is Leo Valdez."

Lester's POV

He couldn't believe it. Apollo had arrived to Camp Half Blood, and no one had even welcomed him. He knew his appearance may be lackluster, and his companion, Meg,  unbefitting of my greatness, but he deserves something!

He turns to Meg, about to voice his concerns when he sees someone walking up to him. Finally! Some respect! He recognized the demigod as Leo Valdez!

"Ah! Mr. Valdez I remember you! How nice you have come to welcome me and show respect!"

Leo's face twitched momentarily but not enough for the prideful ex-god to notice.

"Why yes, Apollo. How nice of you to be here."

Lester smiles, but in the back of his mortal mind, he recalls how he didn't introduce himself as Apollo to him. He guessed Leo was just wise for his bearings.

"Why are you the only one who has welcomed me?"

Leo holds up his hand to Apollo and wraps his arm around his shoulder. "Everyone else is busy. I was sent to lead you to the Training Field, Chiron is waiting for you there."

Lester smiles and turns to Meg. "See Meg, I told you we would be welcome here!"

"Uh huh", his new sidekick says as she fiddles with her rings.

"Leo how have things been? I heard you had died."

"Oh, no. As you can see I am perfectly healthy", the Latino smirks at him.

As the three walk together, Lester notices a-lot of commotion in the camp, mostly situated towards the big house. He spots Percy Jackson running towards the house with Nico di Angelo.

"Leo, is everything alright around here?", Lester asks curiously.

Leo smiles again, "Everything's perfect." Lester looks at him as he notices Leo turn towards him just outside the entrance to the training grounds.


Leo's POV

The fireball he had summoned vanishes in an instant as he's tackled to the ground by Percy! Leo scowls and lands in the dirt, as he tries to get up he finds Percy pinning him down.

"How could you!?", Percy shouts at him angrily.

Leo doesn't respond and tries to kick Percy off of him but to no avail. The son of Poseidon was just too strong. His fingers twitch as a fireball appears in his hand, Percy however notices and a splash of water from the river nearby drenches them both!

Over Percy's shoulder, a dumbfounded Apollo stands there confused when he's soon joined by the last people Leo wanted to see.

Reyna, Chiron and Jason were staring at Leo with several emotions, however that wasn't the worst part. A forth person rushed past Jason who had been holding her back and kicked Leo straight in his face!


Nico quickly comes forward, holding the hysterical Hazel in his arms but glaring at Leo all the same.

Reyna looks down on Leo with absolute disgust and anger. Her purple cloak billowing in the wind, identical to Frank's. Her gold armor had medals pinned to it as well and her golden gladius was at her side. Without taking her eyes off him, she issues orders to Dakota through clenched teeth. "Chain him up. Now. Leo Valdez you are officially under arrest for the murder of Praetor Frank Zhang. You will be taken to New Rome for trial, you will be found guilty. We will then have you executed."

Percy looks down on Leo with rage, but behind it sadness. Leo could see it, but he didn't care. His focus was all on Apollo. As Percy moves off him to allow Dakota to arrest him, Leo suddenly shoves past them both! In one swift motion, he grabs Reyna's sword from her scabbard! His eyes directly on Apollo's heart, he raises the sword to his target.

Same as when he hit the elevator button in the House of Hades, he does not miss...

Five seconds later, Leo is again face first in the dirt, this time held down by Dakota and Jason but it was too late. The deed was done.

Apollo also known as Lester, was dead. He lay on his back on the ground, mere inches from Leo. The Roman gladius impaled in his chest... Leo, still on the ground, glanced sideways at Meg, who nods to him, and vanishes through the woods...

Leo sighs and allows his tears to fall.


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