Crimson opened her door and walked out to the balcony, Jack, Miko, and Raphael were sitting on the couch with Agent Fowler and Jack’s mother. The rest of team Prime was standing in the common room as well. Wheeljack went to grab Crimson from the balcony but she was quick to push her hand out and shock him back away from her. 

“You lied to me…Not only Ratchet but all of you. I want to know why !” Crimson was clenching her hands into tight fists and sending a mean glare towards Ratchet. She wasn’t angry at him, if anything Crimson felt hurt, crushed almost, for being lied to for so long. Wheeljack wanted to comfort her but he knew he was in the wrong just as much as Ratchet. 

“..I lied to you because I was afraid. I was afraid of you leaving us to rejoin the faction you were born into.” Ratchet’s voice was low and full of angst. He let his optics hit the ground as he finished talking, a big part of Ratchet was now angry for lying to her for so long. For ignoring Wheeljack’s advice and trying to keep the truth hidden. 

Crimson could hear the hurt in his voice and sighed, she understood why Ratchet had lied to her. Crimson could feel everyone’s optics watching them but she didn’t care, this was between her and Ratchet. They had to fix this, one way or another. Crimson reached her hand towards Ratchet, a soft force lifted Ratchet’s helm from the floor then faded away. 

“I know why you lied Ratchet but you have to trust me. I’m not mad, I’m hurt. I want to fix this, I want to pretend this never happened. Decepticon parents or not, I’m a Autobot.” Crimson slightly smiled. She was still aware that there might be things that she still doesn’t know about but for now she was content. 

Knowing the truth and being able to discuss it with the other’s was nice. She didn’t care who her parents were or what faction they came from. As Optimus has always told her, everyone is entitled to a choice and her choice was them. She could never see herself being a Decepticon even though her father and two brother’s were. 

“Enough sappy talk, let’s do something today”

“Like what ?” Miko pushed past Crimson and ran to the stairs to look up at Wheeljack. Crimson rolled her eyes and went back into her room. 

“Did I say something wrong ?”

“Nah, just..give me a klick.” Wheeljack leaned against the wall then let his holoform turn on. He briskly walked up the stairs and let himself into Crimson’s room. He playfully chuckled as he saw her sifting through her closet for a shirt to wear. Wheeljack stood behind her and tried to grab her hand but she shocked his holoform. 

“C’mon Cri loosen up. Bulk and I were talking about taking you and Miko to some isolated lake…Somewhere we could relax,” Wheeljack sat on the bed next to Crimson and grabbed her hand. “Just a day to ourselves,” he said in a playful tone. He saw her smile then gave her a quick kiss, as he pulled away he heard her chuckle. 

Crimson got up then slid on a pair of black shorts and a ocean blue tank top and slid on a pair of black flats. She hugged Wheeljack’s holoform and kissed him before he turned off his holoform and waited for her. As she came out of her room she waved to the other’s then jumped into Wheeljack’s free hand as he was entering the coordinates for where they were going. 

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