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Jackie Burkhart watched from the kitchen as her friends played basketball. It was dark outside so they had the porch little on so they could see what they were doing. No one knew that she was there in the dark kitchen, they thought she went home a few hours ago.

Jackie watched one guy in particular. The man she had fallen so in love with. The man who once loved her. The man who told her he couldn't be with her because he thought she was sleeping with Michael even when she told him she wasn't. The man whose baby she was carrying at the moment.

Steven Hyde is the father of her unborn child. She wanted to keep the child but she had no way of supporting herself and a baby so she wasn't sure if she could keep the baby. Her mother wouldn't help since she was off in her own perfect world where her husband wasn't in prison and she still had his money. Her mother had a lot of money on her own but her father always had more on the table. All of the sudden the kitchen light turned on and in walked Mrs. Forman.

"Jackie, what are you doing here?" Kitty asked. "I thought you went home hours ago."

"My mom kicked me out."

"Why on earth would she do that?" Kitty asked.

"Because she doesn't want a pregnant teenager to ruin her perfect life." Jackie said as tears ran down her face.

"Oh dear" Kitty said going over to where Jackie stood and gave her a hug.

"Mrs. Forman, what am I going to do?"  Jackie cried.

"You will stay with us till you are able to support yourself." Kitty said. "Is the father going to help." Jackie pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"I haven't told him yet because he won't speak to me or listen to what I have to say."

"Sweetheart, please tell me it isn't Michael's baby." Jackie chuckled and shook her head.

"No, it's Steven"

"Oh dear" she said as the sliding door opened and Eric and Hyde walked in.

"What are you doing here Jackie?" Eric asked.

"Jackie is going to be staying with us for awhile till she graduates and gets a job."

"Why?" Eric asked.

"Because her mother isn't a very nice lady and has kicked Jackie out." Kitty said as Red walked in.

"Can't she stay at Donna's house?" Eric complained.

"You know what, I can just stay at a hotel, my mom did give me enough money to survive for a couple of weeks." Jackie said moving to leave.

"Jackie, you cannot stay at a hotel in your condition." Kitty said.

"What condition?" Red said.

"Nothing, I'm fine" Jackie said.

"You will head straight upstairs and sleep in Laurie's old room." Kitty said.

"Mrs. Forman I-" Jackie said.

"Jackie, she won't give up so just go upstairs." Eric said. Jackie looked at Hyde before sighing and heading upstairs. That night Jackie couldn't sleep so she decided to get a drink of water since she was thirsty. She got out of bed and put one of Steven's old shirts that she took when they were still dating. She left her room and went downstairs before going to the kitchen. When she pushed the door opened she saw Mr. Forman sitting at the table.

"Jackie, come and sit down we need to talk." He said. Jackie took a deep breath and walked over to the table and sat across from him.

"Kitty told me what happened to you." He said.

"Mr. Forman, I can leave if you want me to I don't want to be a bother, I can go to Florida where my aunt lives and-"

"You are not moving to Florida" Red said.

"I didn't mean for this to happen."

"I know but right now we need to make sure you can support this baby, that means you have to tell Hyde."

"He won't listen to me, he thinks I cheated on him with Michael because he thought he heard me in a room with Michael but I wasn't, I was getting yelled at by my mom because I told her I'm a month pregnant." Jackie said. "Michael and I tried to tell him it was Pam Macy but he didn't believe us."

"Don't worry Jackie I will make him sit and listen to you." Red said.

"Thanks but I have a plan already."

"Okay" he said before standing up. Jackie stood and hugged him before he left. Jackie went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before going back to the table and sitting down. She then planned her next move, she was going to force Hyde to listen to her. After planning out how she was going to do it she finished her drink and went back up stairs to sleep.

The next morning, Jackie jumped out of bed and threw open her door before running to the bathroom. She barely had time to close the door before she lifted the toilet seat and puked her guts out. A minute later she finished throwing up and had wiped her mouth with toliet paper. She then brushed her teeth with a tooth brush Kitty gave her last night.

After taking a shower then getting dressed she started on her plan to get Hyde to listen to her. She went downstairs to the kitchen to see that Eric and Hyde weren't up yet.

"Good morning Jackie" Kitty said.

"Good morning" Jackie said.

"Are you feeling better?" Kitty asked.

"Yeah" she said before heading down to the basement. She went down the stairs then walked over to Hyde's room. She opened the door and quickly but quietly went in. She shut the door before grabbing a magazine that was on a box. She rolled it up and went over to him before hitting him with it.

"Ow, what the hell Jackie?"

"You are going to listen to me while I tell you what happened the night we broke up."

"I'm not going to listen to how you screwed Kelso" he said. Jackie hit him again.

"If you talk again I will hit you where it really hurts." She said. Hyde sighed and sat up in bed.

"The night we broke up I was at my house telling my mom that I, a eighteen year old girl am a month pregnant with your baby  I was not with Michael that was Pam Macy." She said then pulled up her shirt to show her two month pregnant belly. Hyde stared at her belly in shock.

"I don't know if I want to keep it or not, I can't support myself and a baby." Jackie said.

"Jackie...I'm so sorry"

"You should be" Jackie said as tears welled up in her eyes. Hyde stood up and hugged.

"We can do this, we can have this baby and we won't be like our parents. I love you Jackie, I haven't stopped loving you." That did it for Jackie as she started to cry.

"I love you too" she said.

Daniel Steven Hyde

Daniel Steven Hyde

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