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You silent readers are seriously killing me...

You silent readers are seriously killing me

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"Umm... Am I the only one a little scared?" Marc asks, looking at me, both his green and blue eyes wide with fear.

Nathan looks at me and agrees, "Yup. The rest of us are terrified."

"Definitely," Luke says, his chocolate eyes glued to my evil grin.

"Who exactly is going to help us?" Owen asks slowly, showing unusual emotion.

Huh. If being an evil genius will get him to show more emotion, I should come up with these ideas more often... Who knows, he might even laugh one of these days. Wait. Does Owen even know how to laugh...?

"Oh, you know a friend of mine," I answer vaguely. "A fellow evil genius, he is."

"He?!" Marc exclaims. "You wound me, darling!"

"Darling," I say back. "If I truly wanted to wound you, I would do more than merely mention a friend."

"A-A f-f-f-friend-d?" Kota stutters. "Wh-Wh-What-t is-s-s h-he l-l-lik-k-ke?"

I smile at Kota, causing a red blush to cover his cheeks and ears.

"His name is Wil. He is an evil genius like me, stuck here like me, and lost Kayli like me, but unlike me, he is a little... off in the head."

"So... just like you?" Sean says, scratching his mop of curly blond hair.

"No," I reply. "I just said how he is different."

"You were being serious?!" Brandon blurts, something that is somewhat out of character for him.

I look at him blankly and answer flatly, "No. I was lying through my teeth."

Seriously! These boys question me and my sanity far more than should be legal, especially since they are my pets.

"Okay," Axel agrees. "You're perfectly rational except when you are mad. Now, I'm going to head down to the kitchen. I'll catch up with y'all later."

"What are you doing?!" I exclaim, somewhat horrified.

Axel freezes midstep. Turning back to face me, he answers slowly, "Getting breakfast?"

"By yourself?!"

"Is something wrong with that thought...?"

I gawk at Axel and yell, "Yeah, there is something wrong with that thought! You guys aren't allowed to go anywhere on your own!"

"Why not, Virus?" Corey asks softly in a placating manner.

"I really didn't tell you all?" I say, looking around the room at each of them.

"No, Supergirl, you didn't," Silas answers.

I look at him kinda funny and ask, "Did you just call me Supergirl, Aggele?"

"Umm... Yes?"

"Umm... No," I tell him.

Silas hesitantly asks, "Why not?"

I roll my eyes and respond, "If anything, I am Superman. I'm not going to show up to the party twenty years late."

"Y-Y-You kn-know-w ab-b-b-bout-t-t s-s-sup-p-per h-heroes-s?" Kota stammers in awe.

"Not really," I answer with a shrug. "But I have read the few comics they have in the library. Why?"

"Oh, no reason," Victor chuckles, answering for his friend who is stunned into silence.

"Okay then... Anyways, never, ever, ever, ever go anywhere alone," I warn before adding, "Ever."

"Your sort of scaring me even more, Meanie," Gabriel announces nervously.

In response, my lips curl up into another evil grin.

"Why can't we go anywhere alone, Bear?" Raven asks in Russian.

"You can't go anywhere alone because of McCoy. Now that he knows you are out, you are a target," I tell them seriously. "McCoy... has a habit of... doing things with people that I don't think you all can handle hearing."

"I can handle it," Raven boasts.

I look at him. Shrugging, I tell him.

"I can't handle it!" Raven yells in Russian before repeating it in English. "I can't handle it! Do not ask her!"

With that, Raven runs to the bathroom at the back of the library. Heaving sounds are heard.

The boys all look at me with wide eyes and pale faces.

"Now, once he is done trying to find the bottom of a toilet, we can head to see my friend," I announce happily.

They continue to stare.

Shakily, Raven reenters the group and joins in the staring.

"Now that Raven is back," I declare. "We can go! We'll be there in no time!"


"We're lost!" Gabriel moans.

North looks at me and mutters, "I have no clue where we are Sang. Where are we?"

I smile and answer, "Don't worry, North Baby. Just look to me, I'll be your North Star."

"Okay, North Star," North obliges with a smile. "Now, where are we?"

"We are almost there. You people need to be more like me."

"Crazy?" Marc asks.

Victor inserts, "Mad?"

"A little on the loopy side?" Sean chimes in.

"S-S-Sc-car-r-y-y?" Kota adds.

I give them all strange looks and correct, "No. Patient."

"I'm patient!" Owen blurts.

The boys stare at him. Nice to know they also stare at other people.

"Did you... just yell?" I ask flabbergasted.

"No," Owen says, completely devoid of emotion. "I'm pretty sure you are imagining things."

"That... that makes sense," Axel says slowly.

Slowly, the boys begin to agree. Surely, we imagined that. It would be too weird to think it was anything else.

"See? Here we are!" I announce arriving at Wil's lab.

"We passed this place twice!" Luke exclaims.

"I knew it!" Nathan yells.

Fighting back a blush, I reply, "No, we never passed this place. I have no clue what you are talking about."

With that, I push open the door to Wil's lab.

Honestly, we did pass the place. Three times to be exact. I may or may not have been leading them in a strange and twisting pattern for two different reasons. First, I don't want them to learn the layout of the tower. That would make it so that they would feel more comfortable around here. The more comfortable they are, the less on guard they are and the more likely they are to leave on their own.

Second, I may or may not have wanted to spend more time with them before getting to Wil. Sure, the time was filled with their whines of us being lost, but it was time with them.

I can't wait until we can all get out. 

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