Chapter Thirty One

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"Hello, Wil!" I call.

Wil jumps, sending papers flying.

"What the hell do you want?!" He yells. Seeing the boys, he adds, "And who's the entertaining entourage?"

"Entertaining?!" Gabriel exclaims. "You literally just saw us."

"True," Wil concedes. "But I have already heard of you guys from just one encounter. Pretty entertaining, I'd say. Besides, it is super easy to hack the cameras."

"Wil! Darling!" I coo. "Have I ever told you how much you mean to me?"

"What are you talking about, Dr. Sean?!" Sean exclaims.

"Shush," Wil says for me. "She's buttering me up."

"Yup!" I agree. "Wil, as your oldest friend, you must say yes when I ask you to perform a blood test."

"No," Wil says shortly.

"No?" Luke echoes, surprised.

Marc, looking at me, adds, "I know. Who could resist that face?"

"Me. I just did," Wil replies looking at me. "Sang, quit giving me puppy dog eyes. It's creepy."

I roll my eyes and frown.

"Why won't you? I need you to see what drug was administered to me so we can prevent it from happening again."

"Because. It isn't happening," Wil insists.

I smirk and play my trump card.

"If you don't, I won't let you experiment on me anymore."

"EXPERIMENT?!" Sean roars.

Raven turns red and yells in Russian, "Bear, you better tell me I'm mixing my words up!"

"You let him do what?!" North booms.

I look at them and instruct, "You people need to chill. It's voluntary."

That only fuels their shouts.

Wil ignores them, studies me, and agrees, "Deal. I have a new attempt that I need to test out."

"I also need you to remove some shrapnel," I order, expecting him to decline.

Wil groans, "Fine."

I smile, pleasantly surprised that he agreed.

"Why I let you walk all over me, I'll never know," Wil mutters, putting stuff away.

Wil stops halfway through putting his stuff away, distracted by a tool. He shifts over to get out the stuff for a blood test. Instinctively, I start to finish putting away what he was working on. Then, Wil gets distracted by the mess and switches to put stuff away. We work together seamlessly getting stuff put up and pulled out, used to each other's mannerisms and habits.

Finally, everything is set up. Wil has me sit on the table.

"Arm," Wil directs.

I watch the needle as it enters, making sure that it goes in properly. Wil can be a little... scatterbrained at times.

"Okay," Wil says. "Let me just stick this in the machine thingy."

"MACHINE THINGY?!" Axel repeats in horror.

Owen announces, "You are causing us to doubt your level of profession and education."

Sean is stammering something completely unintelligible.

"Out," I order.

They stare at me in shock.

"Now," I tell them, with a raise of my eyebrows.

They look like they want to refuse, but they see the look on my face and quickly file out.

As much as I like them and having them around, they still overwhelm me at times, especially when they are questioning my judgment. I know Wil, I trust Wil. He may act like an idiot—a blond one—but he is really smart. Wil is my equal in intellect, only smarter because he is older and been learning longer.

Wil used to be in training to be just another member—strong, willing to follow any and all orders, a good fighter, and a person with no morals. Once they realized how smart he is, they switched it so that they were training him to learn any and everything, be willing to follow any and all orders, and have no morals. The Gothel leaders need him to be cold and intellectual, but willing to listen to instructions.

Their methods of training are ruthless. My life might be somewhat more strenuous, but that does not mean that Wil has an easy life. The first time they told him to devise a poison, he flat out refused. They stuck him in the White Room for a week. The second time, he hesitantly refused. They locked him in the Waiting Room for a week. The third time, he hesitated. They locked him in the Waiting Room for another week, seeing that he hated that one even more. The fourth time they asked, he followed orders without even missing a beat.

Wil goes over to his computers and taps out binary at an impressive speed.

"The cameras and microphones will be down for a few seconds in here," He declares blankly. "I know that you don't have shrapnel in you. Tell me what it is you are talking about."

Ahh... That explains why he agreed to my terms. Curiosity. As much as he pretends to be cold and unfeeling, even he cannot control his curiosity. But can I trust him?

He follows orders. What if he has orders to tell what is going on?

Seeing my hesitation, Wil sighs, "Look, Sang. I may not show it, but I do have emotions. I am grateful that you have always stuck by my side. You felt the loss of Kayli just as deep as I did, at least. You have always been a-a friend to me. I will not tell anyone about this, but I need to know the truth before the cameras turn back on."

Nodding I explain quickly, "We are trying to escape, all fourteen of us. I need you to scan me and remove any and all of the tracking devices in me."

Wil's brown eyes grow wide as he registers what he agreed to.

"Alright, Sang. Let me get it set up. I will remove them on one condition," Wil says, looking me dead in the eye, completely serious.

"What?" I ask, somewhat nervous about what his terms are.

"I want out. When you all leave, you have to take me with you."

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