Chapter Seven

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The song is for when Sang sings!!

Thank you all so much for a thousand reads!

I wake up to a nervous maid calling my name from the doorway

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I wake up to a nervous maid calling my name from the doorway.

They really need to calm down. It has been over a year since I last killed a maid who was trying to wake me. I really hate mornings.

I climb out of bed, still exhausted and drained from the last few days. My ribs are sore from the punch I got in the fight, but they are healing nicely. I have another headache which only adds to my exhaustion and grumpiness.

I constantly get headaches because my long thick hair puts strain on my head. Unfortunately, I am still not allowed to cut my hair. Father and Mother both insist that I must grow my hair out and never cut it.

I trudge to my closet and pull out a Mother-approved outfit. I decide to dress simply in a white silk dress and tan sandals. I sit at my vanity and pull out my brush and begin to brush my hair out. When I hear Mother coming, I quickly muss my hair so it doesn't look like I just brushed it. This way, it won't hurt as much when Mother brushes my hair.

"Hello, my little doll," Mother greets me harshly, sipping her tea as she swallows her pills. " I see someone is done with their little break. "

I have to refrain from rolling my eyes.

She acts like it's my fault that I got starved and locked up and had my ribs broken.

No, I wouldn't choose this to be happening to me. I merely accept it as the life I have been given.

I grit my teeth as Mother rips the brush through my hair. I truly hate it when she is in her raging mood.

Slamming the brush down and grabs me by the neck and growls, "Why aren't you singing? Sing a song, Sang."

I lick my lips nervously and begin to sing a lullaby.

"Someone's always watching me,
Someone's always there."

Mother resumed her brushing with a ferocious glare.

"When I'm sleeping he just waits,
And he stares

"Someone's always standing in the
Darkest corner of my room."

I purposely chose a song to sing high pitched because Mother prefers me to sing high. She likes it when I seen younger than I am.

"He's tall and wears a suit of black,
Dressed like the perfect groom

"Where are you going?
Why won't you stay?

"They might be scared of you,
But I just want to play...

"He has no face,
He hides with the trees...

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