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(y/n) = Your Name

(d/n) = Dragons Name

(h/l) - Hair Length

(s/c) = skin colour

I soar through the night sky atop of my midnight black Stormcutter, (d/n). My armour consisted of a black leather chest plate, that was designed to look like dragon scales and also helmet of the same colour that had points the jutted from the back to help with aerodynamics, which was rough to the touch, like sandpaper. I promised Valka that I would be back at the sanctuary by dawn.

I adjusted myself in my saddle and tapped the fins behind his/her neck. (D/n) purred if understanding exactly what I was implying what I wanted him/her to do. Soaring higher into the clouds I started to see the beginnings of dawn. My eyes widened. We were at least 20 minutes from the sanctuary.

"(D/n), hurry, dawn is almost here" I called to my majestic best friend. (D/n) roared and his/her massive wings beat the clouds around us, making us look like we were going into a great battle of sorts. The chilling wind battered my face even though my helmet covered the entirety of my face. I let out a laugh as (d/n) did a barrel roll spinning us around. I could now see the black outline of the great ice dragon sanctuary bathing in the orange and yellows of the newly emerging sun that peaked over the ocean.

Signalling (d/n) to land he/she lands gracefully in the little cove where some dragons like to chill. As I land, the dragons wake and stand up to greet (d/n) and I. A hot burble came and ruled its rough chin against my arm. (D/n) growled at the hot burble I called Charlie, wrapping his/her tail around me warning Charlie to back off.

Charlie understood and opened his mouth to light the room the others followed suit. Lighting the room in oranges and reds of the flames that emitted from the mouths. Some rocks fell in the distance and I glanced at a corridor going into the main sanctuary.

"Ah, I was wondering when you will come back (y/n). I was getting worried" Valka spoke while slipping off her helmet as well as I, Cloudjumper behind her. "Sorry, Valka..." I smiled sheepishly, rubbing my foot against my leg. A habit when I'm nervous. "Well let's head to the kitchen darling I have made fish skewers" She grinned at me and waved to me to join her as he left through the corridor she had come from with Cloudjumper on her tail. When she turned I grimaced. I love Valka and all, but I just can't stomach her food.

I decided to follow her and headed into the kitchen. I sat against (d/n) and Cloud jumper curled around Valka in front of me. I already fed (d/n) my dinner (I hadn't eaten all night as I was out exploring islands with (d/n)) already before Valka sat down. Much to his/her pleasure.

We sat there for around 40 minutes and talked about all the things under the sun. I yawned and leant back on (d/n). Valka smiled at me. She stood up "(y/n), I think you should head to your room, out all night exploring without any sleep isn't exactly healthy." I yawned again and nodded. I stumbled to my feet (d/n) following my his/her tail wrapped around me to make sure I didn't fall over asleep before I was even in my room.

I walked into my room as (d/n) crawled through the entrance. (D/n) trotted over to the slab of rock and burned it with his/her flames warming it up. (D/n) laying down and opening his/her wing for me to lay down on. I smiled and grabbed a perch and a loaf of slightly stale bread out of a basket near the entrance of my room. I sat down sandwiched in-between (d/n)'s wings and stomach. I gave him/her the perch and I nibbled on the bread. Once finished I curled against (d/n)'s stomach and fell asleep with the rumbles of him/her purring.

Little did I know my life would change for the best the next day.

Lost In The Clouds (Hiccup Haddock x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now