DAY 21/A Five Year Coma

Start from the beginning

Samantha was puzzled, she didn't recognize him. She responded directing his attention to the straps that fully detained her to the hospital bed, "So you know who I am? Tell me about myself. Am I a danger to myself? Cause they think I am when I was only trying to escape." She glanced at Dr. Howard hiding behind the clipboard. "This is a bit too much for a patient like me...Don't you think?"

Joe followed her gaze to Deril in his doctor's costume. He realized, even after the incident, she still believes he can do something for her. He thought as she continued their conversation, "Why are you so gullible to people like him...?"

"Could you, sit on a chair or something? I don't like you looking down on me. It's a weird angle to view people... it's making you a... poorly drawn outline of yourself..." she stated, "no offense..."

He gave her a faint smile as he completed his thought, "People don't think like you...even before this you were so weird."

There were no chairs. It was a hospital setting, but she was still in a cell. Stooping down to her bedside he told her, "I'm Joe by the way."

She responded, "I'm uncomfortable by the way."

He didn't know if she was seeing him, most of his face was blocked by the handle bars of the bed from his perspective. "Well then, it's a good thing I'm here. You'll be leaving with me...if that's okay with you."

Samantha replied,"I'd like to talk to you first..." They both shot Dr.Howard a look. He got the idea and left the room.  She questioned him,"Where are my parents?"

He answered, ""

"-Oh." Samantha cut him off. She felt bad for herself. But, she didn't know anybody. She didn't remember them, only little things that were such a blur. It wasn't something she wanted to hear either, but she decided that she would deal with it later now that she didn't have to fantasize an answer. She continued, "Why did you take so long to find me?"

"I found you a three years before you woke up." he playfully stated, "So it wasn't that long a wait. Give me credit for that." he continued in a more serious tone to her concerned face, "You had been presumed technically dead after a year. The search party-"

Samantha gestured that she didn't want to hear more. She felt like a nobody before, a forgotten thing. Now, she saw that wasted years of this creepy man's life. She changed the subject, "You said I'm your employer?" referring to her being in a coma since she was sixteen. "I don't think anyone would be that dedicated to finding their boss." she joked, "Are you actually some kid that had a crush on me or something?"

"Something like that." he said surprised that she knew she was older than him. It was too suspicious for his taste. He stood up and leaned over to her, "No one can stop me from kissing you now."

He was too close. She threatened him calmly and clearly, "I'll call 'assault'. Dr. Howard should be right outside that door. So don't try anything rap-"

"-You took that a little too seriously." he retreated, "And I don't doubt that Dr. Howard's hovering over our conversation either. I'm actually your advisor so to speak."

"Advisor? He's cute but he's giving me a psychopath vibe... Am I like those self made teenage millionaires or something? It doesn't feel like I have the smarts to do that." she commented while doing an eye roll, "Is inheritance, or something?"

"Yeah. Your grandfather's been keeping a watch on you. You'll be the sole heir...heiress, given time." he continued enthusiastically, "We would be traveling to estates and meeting with local would be like a crash course on how to do things, a mentorship program. And I'm training you."

"What about my physical therapy?" she questioned him, "It's not like I'm fit to go anywhere."

"There are physical therapist's everywhere. You're not going to be confined to a wheelchair the rest of your life from here on out." he pointed out, "You're making excellent recovery time, so I heard."

Samantha thought about it, "Maybe I should go. It's close to miserable here. But for he expect me to believe I'm an heiress? If I am, this smells like a scam. I'm no Jackass." She spoke, "Alright, when do we leave?"

"Right away." Joe said as he sadated her through her AV bag.

Dr. Howard returned with a wheelchair and four other people. One dressed in a labcoat, one as a nurse, the other as a patient and one as a janitor. "That went well, for an explanation."

"I'm not going to kill her.", Joe responded as he stared guiltily at the marks on her right arm as they unbuckled her from the bead.

"I know, we've both been doing a piss poor job at following orders." Dr. Howard stated calmly. "Heiress is a bit far fetched. Could have made it more believable and be...a photographer for a magazine or really. But if you really wanted a fairytale you could have made her the Princess of X,Y and Z."
Joe gave him a look anyone could decipher as 'piss off'.


Joe rolled her out of the Bunker with Deril escorting them out. He handed him a first aid kit that concealed two handfuls of sadative drugs and a month's worth of peripheral neuropathy drugs as stated on there lable. As Joe placed Samantha to rest on the back seats he said, "You can never be too careful." Joe placed the kit in the front seat with one syringe ready to go less than an arms length away. Deril commented, "As a former DMV instructor I can tell you that's not going to be a pretty accident."

Joe started the car. Deril opened the backseat door and pulled out a syringe from his pocket. "Vitamins..." he assured Joe, "You can never be too careful."

"She's fine." Joe said. Deril continued. "She's fine!" The harshness of his voice stopped Deril from proceeding further. "Do I need to get out break your hand?"

"Nope, nope, nope..." Deril said as ducked out of the car and raised his hands surrendering. He closed the car door and waved to Joe as they drove off. "One more month..." he sighed.


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