Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.4 Annoyances

Start from the beginning

"We could have some fun," Blondie smiled again and licked her fangs trying to lure me in with her sexual appearance while she was trying to glamour me. Strangely enough it doesn't work on me. Godric didn't know how to explain it because he didn't know why either, so to this day it still is a mystery.

"Look the glamour thing won't work on me. Though I am flattered, it's just I'm not interested."

For a second Blondie looked actually hurt and I felt kind of bad as I walked away to a new spot to dance by myself. My eyes couldn't keep to themselves as I noticed an emo looking guy who was maybe twenty one standing all by himself on the dance floor while the rest of us swayed and flowed with the music. He was quite hot with his black hair just hitting the base of his neck and his long side swept bangs hiding his right eye. He had snake bite piercings to match on his lower lip while wearing a long black sleeve shirt, dark skinny jeans with a chain hanging out and connecting to his back pocket with a pair of dark purple vans.

The caring person in me couldn't take it and I made my way over. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"What?" He asked in a sad voice.

"I said are you alright? You look really sad."

"I-I don't really know if I want to tell you," the emo boy whispered to me.

"Well how about we dance instead," I smiled and surprisingly I got one in return from Mr.Emo.

His hands went to my hips while we rocked back and forth to the music. "You don't seem like the type to hang around here."

I turned to face Mr. Emo, "Cause I'm not. It's kind of complicated. So are you going to tell me why you're sad?" I asked kindly.

"You see that guy over at the bar with the tattoo on his hand. It's a thorn looking thing," He said and motioned at a good looking muscular guy with brown short hair.

"Yeah, what about him?" I asked curious. Man was that dude hurting him or something? Oh shit is he looking at us now?!

"Well that's my best friend Nick. He was turned into a vampire last year when I started to have feelings towards him. I thought he was feeling the same way until he 'changed'. He brought me here tonight but he's not paying any attention and hardly talking to me," Mr. Emo confessed and looked sadder than a lost puppy dog.

"Say what's your name anyway?" I asked while looking at 'Nick' who was diffidently looking over at me and my new friend here.

"Ace," He smiled.

"Ace I think I am happy to say that since we starting dancing Nick hasn't been able to keep his eyes off you," I grinned and gave his arm a light squeeze of comfort.

"No way," Ace pouted.

"Oh yah, and I think if I do this," I said while pretending I was going to kiss Ace who looked confused as to what I was doing, "just go with it, I'm not going to actually kiss you. Nick will be over here in a flash if my gut is right about this.

Ace finally got with the program and made it look like we were getting quite intimate on the dance floor. Little did I know 'someone' other than Nick was watching us too.

"Three, two..." and just like clockwork, before I got to one Nick was right next to Ace and I.

"Uh hi Nick," Ace blushed and let go of me.

"Hi Ace," Nick smiled devilishly.

"Oh you're Nick!" I faked dumb. "Ace has told me so many wonderful things about you!"

"He has?" Nick questioned with lust in his eyes towards Ace.

"Yeah," I grinned.

"Hey would you mind if I bought you a drink?" Nick asked Ace who gladly accepted.

Just before Ace and Nick got to the bar Ace turned around and mouthed a 'thank you' to me.

"All in a day's work," I laughed to myself and continued to dance.

Just as a new song began to start I was roughly yanked into the hallway leading to Eric's office again. "What the hell?!" I yelled and looked up to see a mad looking Eric.

"Who was that boy?" He asked dangerously still gripping my wrist.

"He is none of your business, now let go!" I yelled again while trying to pry Eric's fingers from my bruising wrist.

"He is in my bar, therefore my business. You are also my business now since Godric has placed you in my care." He sneered.

"Excuse me but I don't need you to look out for me if this is how you act!" I spat still struggling to pry his cold fingers from me.

"Who was he? I will not ask you again." Eric fumed and got right up close and personal to my face.

"Ok first of all if you must know his name is Ace and he's gay! And finally," I reached into my pocket and pulled out my tick tacks, "have a tick tack!" I voiced and shook the plastic container making the mints rattle.

Eric growled at me first but then released me. I looked at my wrist and saw the light purple shade of Eric's hand print all the way around it forming.

"Ass hole." I spat and began walking away only to be grabbed by the arm again and slammed against the wall lightly.

"Where are you going?" Eric asked while peering down at me like a hunter about to shoot his long awaited prize.

"I'm getting some ice!" I yelled and walked towards the bar.

Clown eyes was behind the counter again and I asked her for a small bag of ice. She quickly gave me one and continued to serve drinks.

"Fucking vampire," I hissed to myself as I held the ice to my wrist.

"What's the matter sugar?" Pam asked walking up to me.

"Why don't you go ask your daddy with the big fat ego," I grumbled and winced when I lifted up the ice to look at all the purple on my skin.

"Ooooh someone's feisty. If I were Eric I would have drained you by now. You smell better when you're worked up," Pam grinned at me while taking a seat next to me at the bar.

"You know if I wasn't so pissed right now I would actually take that as a compliment," I said truthfully.

"Look Eric might seem hard and mean I guess you could say to a human, but he is quite the vampire in so many ways," She smiled and licked her bottom lip.

"Uh ewww, I don't want to sleep with him, but will it kill him to be a little nice to me? I haven't done anything wrong to him. Nothing! Nada!" I fumed and received a chuckle from Pam.

"You know honey as far as humans go, I kind of like you," Pam smiled and hoped off the bar stool.

"I guess I'll go back to Eric's office and go take a nap," I sighed. A nap sounded really nice at the moment. Slowly but surely I placed the bag of melted ice on the bar and got off my stool. As I made my way across the dance floor to Eric's office I saw him sitting on his thrown talking to Sookie and Bill. I guess he could tell I was watching him because he looked up and stared at me until I was past the door and into the hallway. With just a few more strides Eric's office was now in view and I made my way to the couch for a nice long snooze.

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