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Jungkook POV

When walking out of the hospital, I had been given a shoulder by my older brother, just in case. I still wasn't in the greatest condition so he was my extra security. We had gotten in the car it was quiet throughout the whole ride, but I couldn't help but to feel the tension beside me, feeling how uncomfortable my mom had felt, beside her son that had been asleep for a year. When thinking about the cause of me being in a coma, A fragrance of a memory comes up to me.

"Oh! he-ey, You missed first class?" said by an unfamiliar voice
" yeah sorry about that I- wasn't feeling that good this morning but I'm fine now" I replied
"That's understandable, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to this party tonight, but I understand if you can't"
"I'm so-r-ry Y/n I don't think I can and plus I'm not really a party person. But don't stop that from you going!" 

The name Y/n came up again in my mind, forgetting on how I had even know the name why was it, I couldn't understand the reasoning behind the name.  Recalling I had called the same name once, when I had woken up. I was going to ask my mom what the name had mean't to her, maybe she had known who this Y/n was that was still a bit unfamiliar to me. But the question was not asked when I saw our house in my vision. Not long after my mom had parked the car, my older brother opening the door for me as if hadn't known how to open one. He took his arm out and I grabbed onto it getting out slowly. My mother was at the door opening it with her key.

I immediately go upstairs in a slow pace , searching for my bedroom, opening a door looks like a familiar blue room to me, looking at the queen sized bed nicely made. I plopped myself onto the bed, feeling much comfier than the bed at the hospital and much more room as well. Right when I was about to fall asleep I heard footsteps on my wooden floor. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to jolt up from my bed. My Eomma had a plate of food on a tray for me. I had taken the tray from her as she grabbed the spoon about to spoon feed me, but I decline and tell her I am able to feel myself. I see the extra caution she takes with my actions, I felt a bit weak myself but I had let it be.Having the constant feeling of being helpless when I had awaken was not the feeling I wanted to have.

"You'll be continuing school starting tomorrow as a first year. You were able to completed first semester and was in the middle of your second semester, so Mrs. Kim said if you are able to continue your academic excellence's when you come back, you can finish this school year with this years, first year students. But if you fail to comprehend you will have to redo your first year courses. Am I understood"

Being given the command from my mom I nodded to her as my response and with that she had just left my room. leaving me with the tray of food I started to munch on. I was starving, I loved the taste of my mothers home cooked meals. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for me, I was going to go back to that hell hole with the people who I had gotten in trouble with. I remember my buddy Taehyung, wondering how he was. Thinking about it he had a younger brother who was only a year younger than him, I wondered if he had started university yet. I know that Taehyung didn't have the best work ethics but when I was with him I think he was able to manage, but barely, I think second year will be treating him poorly if he wasn't already not doing good his first year.

For the rest of the day I had been either eating or sleeping, and also the casual check up from my brother seeing if I was doing okay. He took the day off so that he could watch over me, while my mom went out running errands. Time going by fast as I sleep and sleep. I sleep one more time until I see daylight.


I was already dressed, my uniform had still fix on me. Lastly putting on my tie before I had started to put on my shoes to head out the door. My mother was going to drop me off for today, and she would pick me up on the weekend. The room I had before was not bought, as people thought it was haunted because someone 'died' in there I tsked at the thought. Once I had gotten there I got out of the car, walking straight to the entrance of the building.

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