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I managed to only just put one earphone on while Taehyung had taken the other one, as he refused to give it back to me. I felt tense when I opened my phone looking through my music, carefully selecting through my playlist, I find an artist that I'm sure that everyone loves and know. I go and play one of their songs and I saw Taehyungs head shake, as the song accidentally played at full blast, it hadn't fazed me as I would normally listen to it that loud with both of my earphones in. Once I started turning it down lower so you where able to tell what song it was, Taehyung was nodding in agreement that the song was indeed to his liking. It was Bigbang , sober. I don't know why but I've really in the mood to listen to the song.

"Where is your brother?" I questioned him
"He's staying because he wants to study for his test without any distractions."

"I see" I replied

throughout the whole ride then, it was silent, and not even once did he complain about what song was playing, which left me quite relieved. The bus had stopped thirty minutes in and I saw Taehyung as he had gotten up from his seat giving me back the earphone.

"See you later bestie! Have an nice birthday party." He cooed
"Bye"I managed to say before he left.

I saw as he walked out with a few others, I then realized that my stop would be the next one, meaning that he lived close to me. Which wasn't giving me the best feeling. I had sworn they both have a thing with the word 'bestie' , I bet it had been a family thing of sorts. but I had found recently, I hadn't heard it as much from Yugyeom. It hadn't taken long once we had reached my stop, so I had gotten off walking a little more to my house. I saw the front of the house to see two balloons to be hung up beside each side of the doors. I step on the porch to put in my key. Once I had turned the knob of the door, I was greeted by darkness. It was pitch dark in my home only seeing a little light from the window penetrating inside the house.

In a flash of a second the lights went on to be greeted by my family and a cake in Miss. J's hand. I smiled the widest smile I could give, it made my heart flutter it made me happy knowing that they wouldn't let a tradition pass. They started singing happy birthday to me as the candles got lit, at the end I had blown out the candles and my parents started clapping there hands. Miss. J went to the kitchen to place the cake on the table meanwhile my parents had brought me to a tight embrace.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" my parents had said in unison.
"Thank you, I love you all very much"

Miss. J had joined into the embrace and then a minute later we had let go, so that we had walked into the kitchen. I leaned against the kitchen counter having an elbow resting on it as I placed my head onto the palm of my hand.
"So, where is the boy!" Miss. J had said in excitement.
"Umm. He should be here in a hour or so, maybe? I said as I was about to go on my phone and text him. Until I remembered he hadn't had a phone. My dad had only stayed silent as my mom only was smiling.

So we had waited that hour waiting for him to come, he hadn't shown up. My parents were starting to question if he really was coming. But I tried to reassure them that he was indeed coming. I started to myself think he was not coming, as we waited another 30 minutes. Miss. J had just insisted to start eating and if he comes he can join. So that is what we had did, we had started eating. We laughed and had lovely conversations, only wishing through the whole time that in the next second to hear a knock on the door, being him. That didn't happen we had all finished eating, even dessert . He hadn't shown up, I helped my parents with the dishes as Miss. J had cleaned up the table. Everything was cleaned up, so this was the time my parents decided to give my presents to me. They had given me money so I can just buy what I want, as they said "We don't know what you like these days".

After my parents had given my present they gave me one last hug, and a kiss on the forehead as they were going to go to bed. This left me with miss. J as she had a long and narrow package that was wrapped, in her hands. She then had given my the box and I had unwrapped it and opened it to see a necklace.

"This was my favorite necklace as a child, and I want you to have it." Miss. J had told me.

I take a good look at it, It looked brand new, that's how I know she had taken lots of care with it, It had a red heart with a white diamond on the top, It was simple but very beautiful. I thanked her as I asked her to help put it on. Which she had helped me with. Once I have had it on I place my hand onto it to feel the texture of the jewels.

"I'm sorry your friend hadn't shown up."

"It's okay."

She had kissed me goodnight as she had headed out the door, to go home. I was insisting I would walk her home but she had told me to just stay home for today. I waved one last goodbye as she had walked out the door. I went to the kitchen seeing if there was anything left to put away or clean up. The house was dark except for the kitchen, as the kitchen light was the only light on in the house. Almost seeing a little spooky, I shake in my spot as I heard a knock on the door, Spooking myself out to much, it had probably been Miss. J. Maybe she had just forgotten something. So I started walking to the front door and I opened it up to see something I hadn't expected, It was definitely not Miss. J. I just stood there a little shocked. Seeing water drip from his hair, looking almost drenched, It rained?

"Wha-a-t are you doing here?" I stuttered
Only then, did the thought that he just decided to come now came to my head, but it had been late. Why did he have to come when it had been already dark? He rushes his fingers through his hair, as I saw small driplets of water fall.
"Can I talk to you outside?" he asked

Looking behind me to only see darkness except for the light in the kitchen light. I was deciding whether or not if I should go with him, my contemplating didn't last long, as I had already made my decision.
"Yeah, sure just one second okay?"

I walked to kitchen just to close the light now my house pitch black and I walk over to the door where he had stood. "Let's go?" I asked as I moved him over as I went to close the door. It wasn't raining anymore, walking out the door we started walking down the street, to no specific destination. It was silent, little puddles every once and a while on the sidewalk. Why did he take me outside? We stayed in silences for minutes, that slowly started feeling like hours. When I think about him all I could think about is his kind acts he does for me. From the jacket he gave me from the first time we had hung out, from the birthday cake surprise he had set up for me. Was this going to be another surprise? But I had to admit that I was disappointed that he hadn't shown up earlier, but I was glad he was here with me right now. Did he really make me feel safe? He could be unpredictable at times but I had gotten used to the feeling of his safety.

He finally spoke which left shivers crawling up my spine, his voice sounded more hoarse and deep unlike how it would normally be smooth and soft, he had caught my attention.
"Y/N." His voice was almost frightening, why was I scared now? How could things change so fast, did I really know who he was? All security I would feel when I would be around him vanished at this point.

"Wha-a-t is it?" I stuttered, damn it I stuttered. He must know that I'm feeling uneasy, my breathe started to fasten, I focus on my breathing trying to slow it down. Maybe I was feeling so frightened due to the darkness of our surroundings. I calm myself reminding myself it's Jungkook, nothing is going to happen and I'm just being paranoid. Yes, I was just paranoid I tried to tell myself, it's just because it's dark outside that I feel extra aware of everything.

"There is something that I have to tell you" He said lowly, that's when the thoughts of him going to leave me again rushed in my mind.
"What is it" I said barely audible coming out as a whisper, as I tried to not stutter as that came as the result.

"Stop seeing me. Physically just stop seeing me"
"What?" I knew it had been coming but I didn't think it was coming already.
"You shouldn't be able to see me." He said hoarsely
"What do you mean?"
"I'm saying YOU shouldn't be able to see me, but somehow you can."
"I'm still not understanding, what do you mean?
"Don't you see!"
"I'm A fricken ghost! OR whatever I am! NO one should be able to see me but somehow you can"

I didn't know what to say to that, I stayed in silence. How was I going to reply to that I could believe what he was telling me. He's a ghost, that's impossible, How would I! Be able to somehow see a ghost. I wasn't about to believe him. Was this some sort of practical joke? Because if it was it sure wasn't funny. Not one bit, I don't want to be lied too like that, he was telling me something that should be impossible, IT has to be impossible.

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