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Miss. J POV

"Halmonee" he said in his weak voice
I could already feel the tears building up in my eyes. It had been far too long since the last time I had heard his voice. The little boy, I had come to watch grow. Woke up from his long sleep.

I tried to give him reassurance that everything was fine meanwhile the doctors and checked on how he was, and if everything was functioning properly. I knew that at any minute now my daughter would come rushing through that door, I know how worried sick she was for him. Afraid that he may never wake up.

Hope, was the only thing that kept her from pulling the plug, there was times were she could of made the worst mistake in her life. But had luckily been avoided. To my awareness  I had seen the next moment my daughter with her eyes filled with tears push through the door, to find the doctors around him. I watched as she leaped towards him.

The doctors said that he was fine, and walked out shortly afterwards, without any hesitation my daughter balled out crying in front of her son. I came beside him petting down on his head.
I looked over to see his older brother in silent tears, he comes closer to his now conscious brother.
"It's okay Jungkook, Eomma is here now" she kissed his forehead.

"YAH!"His brother comes beside me and shoves his shoulder, the younger boy starts to laugh.
"WHO said you can sleep for a year!" he shoves him once more.
"Sorry Hyung"I couldn't help to smile when I heard him laughing.

Jungkook's POV

It was refreshing seeing the face of my family, things seem to be a blur for me, I couldn't really remember anything but I knew it had just probably had been because I had been asleep for so long . I felt like I was forgetting something important but I couldn't put a finger to it. I worrying about it and focused on the love ones in front of me. I felt the tears of those around me taking me into there embrace. I have missed them so much, different, for a change. I may not remember a lot of things now but I knew how much hate, I used to hold onto my family. But at this moment nothing had mattered except the presence of there company. I felt like I had changed a bit, compared to how I had used to be.

It was nice, I had no worries the gladness that I had those I love around me. I look up to take a good look at all there faces, slightly disappointed once I hadn't found the person I was looking for. My dad was no where to be found in my hospital room, even with all those around me crying I wondered where my dad had been at this moment, that he couldn't even be with his son when he wakes up.

I suppress my negative feelings, and focus once again to those who were actually here with me. I wipe off the tears from my mothers face, and is able to understand and very vaguely remember how I was here in the first place. I had went to a party and got stabbed, but how long was I out for, My moms face had looked the same as it was the last time I had seen her, but her body was more petite from what I can remember. My brother on the other hand had seemed much more mature than he was, even if at this moment I had seen his weakness of tears.

The word came out of my mouth without me even thinking, "Y/n..." Said so faintly the syllables had rolled off my tongue without knowing what it had even meant't to me. In this case the name wasn't something I could remember at the time, but I left it at the back of my head if it could lead to some of my missing memories. The name was said very faintly causing my mother to wonder "What did you say?". I could say she was probably as confused as I was at that moment, who is Y/N. No one else had heard me call the name so I didn't bother having them get involved.

"I said I missed you all" I covered it up, my mom still gave me the confused face knowing that that wasn't what I had said but she had gone along with my words.
"We all missed you so much, A dreadful long year we waited for you. But we are glad your back"
A year was how long I was gone, I can't tell how fast time had gone. I wouldn't know how it feels to lose a son for a year, or a brother, or a grandchild. I know it must of been hard for them, but I can say that i'm back now. "I'm back" the words to me even had felt like a relief. Our family was not in the best of shape, our relationship with one another was distant. More with my immediate family, My parents divorced causing lots of problems to my own security and feelings. Only wanting what any other boy would want to have, a perfect family. 

That didn't last long, and unfortunately happened at the worst time possible I was 9 years old. We would visit my Halmonee every once and a while, of course like any other family. But our visits became more frequent and I started to notice. At home our parents would start off with a disagreement which would end off into a screaming match. It would be at the dinner table or the family room, I wanted to get away from all of it, I held my hands to my ears to try to block out the noise. 

My brother would just sit there and watch, looking at him I saw tears fall from his eyes. No kid wants to have there parents fighting. My parents weren't stupid they know that we knew what was going on and that we could understand the things they were saying. So when this had there "Disagreement" They would drop us off at Halmonee's house even if it was late at night or early in the morning, that's what they decided on doing.

It became to consistent for too long, when I was 13 that was the year my parents had know that the relationship they were trying to hold wasn't lasting, they had knew that there relationship was toxic and that it was not healthy. Constant bickering and putting each other down, they had come to finally realize that enough was enough and it would be the best for us, as kids. We didn't need to have a dysfunctional family. They wouldn't physically hurt each other but, unbearable and repetitively not able to console with one another was enough for the both of them.

Maybe for us too, but as they had wanted everything to be solved, I was a stubborn child, not able to deal with the situation as maturely as my brother did. My parents filled the parents and had gotten it legally done, but that only caused me too feel more frustration. Wondering why our family had to be the one that had to have it's separate ways. Maybe my parents also thought they were being a burden on my Halmonee but she had always enjoyed every moment she spent with us, trying to lift up the mood and put a smile to our faces.

My brother was the more optimistic of the both of us, always thinking of the bright side at the end of the tunnel. More so for me I accepted it to quickly at what was to happen further on. I would tell her things I would never tell anyone else, even close friends I don't really talk about my family life too. The papers got signed at that's when rebellion started to kick in. At the age of 13 you want to try new things, but I tried new things for the wrong purposes. I always disobeyed my mother, My mother was able to get custody of both me and my brother. But that doesn't stop us from seeing our father on weekends is when we see him. 

My mother started getting frustrated with my attitude when I started in high school, getting into things that I thought that my mother wouldn't approve of. I blamed everything on my parents, only wanting that perfect family, that now we could never have. They thought it was for the best but it had only made me start to deconstruct. I felt like I was falling apart, happy memories of my family. My memories were coming back to me but not the ones I want to remember, I assume my deconstruction had led to going to that party that day, and almost getting myself killed.

All those things help to how I had gotten myself here in the first place. I start to take out the IV tube out of my arm, and my mother moves in shock. " Don't do that Jungkook wait till the doctors come back" My mom said studded. So that's what we did we waited for the doctors to come back and after thirty minutes of my Eomma and Halmonee checking on how I was and my brother tsking me for making stupid decisions, a doctor walked into the room. My family getting the signal and dispersing somewhere around the room for the doctor to have their space. 

"Everything, luckily is working and functioning properly, He is able to leave now or stay another night just in case" the doctor had informed us.
"St-" My Halmonee was about to answer but I had intervened.
"Let's go home"I said sternly, I stayed here for a year I wanted to sleep in my own bed. My Mom just couldn't now stop smiling at me, and gave the doctor her answer. 

"Alright, I guess were going home" 

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