Happy birthday

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Helpless in his arms, why can't I do anything except but to cry in his arms, they felt cold I felt as how my heat was transferring onto him, I tried to process when he had hugged me. I didn't want him to let go. My tears started to dry up as he had spoken to me, he was sorry. The last words he said was left almost still ringing in my ear,

" I won't leave you, but please don't leave me" I could almost hear the fear in his tone, had he gone through something as what I had been through.

I almost forgot how he was surprised when I had touched him, I remember seeing as he was trembling but then in the next moment he was hugging me so hard I could barley breathe. He was the one who had left me in the first place, but now we are back to the way things were before? I just wasn't really processing this to well, maybe it could be because I cried so much I had loss sense of my mind, that I couldn't even think straight. He was still holding me in his arms as my hands that were laying at my sides were now around his neck. I still can't understand the feelings that I am capable of, I grew so attach to him, because of thinking I could let go of the past and begin my future. I did something that I couldn't do in my past, which was not just letting the situation happen but to do something about it, I was too late last time but I think I made in just in time, this time.

I started to loosen my grip around his neck as I slowly pull back, but I hadn't removed my hands I watched as his gaze went from the floor to my eyes as we looked at each other. My breathing suddenly started to quicken as he had felt so close to me. Never experiencing anything like this before, my heart starts racing, I could almost feel a little bit of his breathe hit my lips. What was I thinking, scenarios kept rushing through my head, of what could happen in the next thirty seconds. I can feel that his breathe started to hitch, we both were but sitting there on the floor in each others arm, remembering how his arms are laying loosely around my waist. Temptation was rushing in my mind, why was I thinking about something so affectionate when I had only known him for some of this semester.

He wasn't doing anything, he stayed in place while, on the other hand I was trying to steady the pace of my heart. I started to lean away from him, as I grabbed his arms and placed them back to his sides. I knew I had made the right decision, but I saw as he looked up at me when I had stood up from my spot, I saw as he slowly got up once he had saw me already standing. Silences through it all, I felt the tension roaming in the air, uncertain of what to do next. I did everything that I had wanted to do, things then got awkward and I'm unsure were we end off our conversation from here. We stood there as I heard him about to say something,

"So what do you say?"

"I promise"

It wasn't like I had wanted to leave him in the first place but my chest felt relieved when I felt safe that our relationship we made is not gone. Once he heard me speak I saw his adorable bunny smile appear on his face, as he ran up to me as he grabbed a hold onto my waist with his arms, lifting me up from the ground spinning me around. His strong grip held me firmly as I could feel his biceps flexing into my waist, as for extra security had my arms wrapped around his neck. I started laughing at how this situation had seemed so silly, and scenes you would see in a movie. I watched as he stopped spinning around and he looked up me and spoke,

"I'm sorry, I really am"
"I understand if you were to leave me though."
"Don't say that!" He retorted
"I Promise, I won't leave you" he pulled out his pinky finger towards me as I had connected his with mine, the sudden feel of safety made me feel relieved. He then continued,
"I mean besides, who else do we have?" He started laughing and I did too.

With that I had hugged him one last time for my goodbyes as I had left his room to head back to my own. I had finally found my way back not taking as long as it did when I was looking for his room, but I had finally made it back. Once I got inside of my dorm room I sat myself down onto the couch. I went and I look on my phone to see that I had gotten a text message from mom, I swiped the screen to see what she had texted ,

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