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We slept the same we had the time we did before, I had thought I had woken up first but as soon as I was about to lift myself up from the bed, I felt a grip on my hand, when I turn around to see Jungkook to be the one holding onto my wrist. Within a second he pulled me back into the bed in which he held me into an embrace. He pulls me close to his chest, and I had let him hug me, I turn myself over so that I could be facing towards him.

When I do that I see his eyes shut, holding me tightly. I placed my hands onto his cheeks barely as I have my hands milometers away from touching his skin. I watch as Jungkook takes a hand away from my waist, and then placing that hand on top on one of mine, as he feels the feeling of my hand on his cheek. We looked at each other, feeling the sudden burst of embarrassment. I hid my face in his chest, but he still had held me into his embrace.

After minutes of just staying in the bed, I came to the realization that today was Monday. If we, or I where to stay at home any longer I would be late for class, I push him away and I get out the bed. I rush grabbing my clothes from my suitcase into the washroom. Leaving Jungkook dumbfounded having no clue. If I had forgotten I think that he had as well.

When I came back from the washroom I saw that Jungkook had fixed the bed, and he looked as if he had woken up so perfectly, not one hair out of place, changed out of the clothes I had let him borrow before. I gesture for him to come, I was going to miss my bus, I already had a gut feeling. I rushed down the stairs, with Jungkook and my hands clasped together, this caused to gain my parents attention.

"Oh, morning sweetie" she said to me so casually, totally not noticing the boy that had been behind me.
"Um, I can't have breakfast going to be late for school bye" I quickly ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek before I rushed out the front door holding onto the boys hand still.

"Your going to get hungry" He told me.
"I will live"
"I've known you long enough that your going to complain that your hungry" He told me once again.
"Nooo... I won't" I said unsure myself
"Sure you won't, just don't blame me when we get to school"
"I won't" I said but only to be hit by karma as I could already feel my stomach growling, I only had a small plate of dinner last night, and I was so used to having breakfast I already knew this was going to be a long day.

We walked hand in hand together when we were going to the bus stop. I saw at the end of the street my bus, I started to panic seeing people already getting on. I start sprinting, my luggage being literal baggage as I would had gotten there sooner if I didn't have it. There was a lot of people getting on and right before the last person in that line had gotten there I had just made it before the bus driver had closed the doors. We both got in successfully and we had sat at the very back seats. No one had dared to sit beside me.

"Pabo" He whispered in my ear.
"YAH! It was your fault, your the one who started to cuddle me!" I whispered yelled.
"You were too irresistible, and plus I forgot about school."
"Aish, that's okay. It's actually my fault school had totally slipped my mind" I gave him a reassuring smile.

I hold onto his hand for the rest of the ride, as we just sat there in silence. It was nice, I liked that I didn't always had to have to say something all the time, but at least just having one another there was good enough for me.

I didn't want the weekend to end, it felt so short. But luckily we were able to do so many things in that short time period. I didn't want school to come just yet, I fell asleep on the bus. When I had woken up I look beside me to see no one there. I start to panic and my heart starts racing, I start panicking I see people walking out of the bus, and i pray he had just gotten out without me.

Jungkook's POV

She had fallen asleep with her head on the window, I looked at how cute she looked as she was slightly snoring very faintly. The bus had stopped and I saw how she started to open her eyes. I see her eye's widen, why ? I was right there? Was it because she had fallen asleep on the bus, and thought that everyone had left?

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