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All my classes had been finished and as I walked out of the door I noticed Jungkook with books in his hands walking towards the dormitory, I started walking behind him, hoping for the right chance to maybe, just maybe ask him to hangout. The dormitory hallway is surprisingly empty as I thought this was a good chance to ask him.


I see as he turns his head around as he smiles at my presents,

"Hey Y/n, what's up"
"Umm, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout or something..."
"I'm Sorry, but I am busy studying for a test, maybe some other time?"
"Oh. It's okay, no problem, do you have a phone number so we can hangout some other time?"
"No I don't have a phone, sorry about that, what's your room number?"

" Oh no, No need to apologize, my room is 1275,I'll take my leave, see you tomorrow?"
"Mine is room 520, but I'll see you then"

I had awkwardly walked out of his dormitory hallways and started walking back to my own. ' How simpleminded am I?' of course he's going to have homework, or some sort of test to prepare and study for. I never took it under consideration as I guess I hadn't put much thought into how his schedule might be for the next day.


Jungkook's POV

I walked into my now not empty dorm,and plopped myself onto the couch. I slowly recall the events of today as I smile at the memory. Maybe things can be different for me maybe I can open up to people again. I had wonder if she would come back tomorrow even though she had said as a question,"See you tomorrow?" . That was probably indicating that she would come back but I wasn't putting all my hope onto her. She could be like all my other friends and slowly start leaving me. But in all hopes, I wish she will be different.

I didn't really have a test the next day but I personally wasn't ready just yet to hang out with her.she is a very nice, and formal person, but I haven't hung out with anyone for a year My social skills had probably degraded from lack of social interaction, and I didn't want to seem like someone she has to lower herself too. I could already tell by her mannerisms that she is very polite and very smart. she amuses me with how she acts and it intrigues me.

I thought I had spoken quite well when I was speaking to her just the other day,but could have been just luck. But I don't think you can just lose your speaking ability. She was on my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Maybe I should of accepted her invitation on hanging out, But I am not confident in my person to person speaking skills anymore. I feel as if i'm more of a wimp now, I think back at when I was popular and had a lot of friends. It puts me in disgust at times remembering how I was and in some ways thinking it's for the best the way I am now. I did a lot of stupid things, got with a lot of girls. I didn't like it all, maybe she can make me like the new me, maybe I can come to not regret anymore of my actions.

I decided to go up to the mirror in my room, I took a good look with serious eyes,

"Hi, what's up"
"How's it going"
"You look pretty as always"
"shit, pretty as always i've seen her only a few times"
"You look swell"
"What the heck, swell, there's better words than that"
"You look beautiful today"
"That sounds to weird too"
"Hi, nice to see you again, what you do yesterday"
"That sounds to basic"

"Hey Y/N, about yesterday, yeah sorry that I couldn't hang out"
"That sounds better"
Sighing with relief,

"I think, that is good enough?"

Anti-social 🚫 Jjkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें