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I know that there are plot holes but this is unedited so I may fix after I finish writing the book.



I was still trying to understand what he had meant when he said guardian? during our whole conversation, that was all I could think about, how was his home life like? Was he okay? I shouldn't be so worried about someone I know nothing about really.

But maybe that was what made me so worried I know nothing, background wise. What if he was going through things at home. I needed to stop worrying, stop worrying about him. But I just couldn't help but worry. I don't want him to be another person I will care deeply about, just so that by next year he'll probably leave me,because of maybe family issues. That feeling hurts, don't need to feel it again.

After lunch I started packing a few clothes for the weekend, I could finally get all I had in my head these past few days all out, that's what made me excited. I miss my family, and after all this time I had spent with the lady, I considered her family too.

It wasn't long until I had everything ready, and set to leave. With my backpack, I see other people heading out the university. When I started walking out I headed to a bus station, I got my headphones and listened to music while I waited for the bus. and when the bus had come I just peacefully listened to music, while sitting alone on the bus. As I awaited for my stop.

I had fallen asleep, waking up just in time as I had two more stops till it had been my own. Once the bus had gotten to my destination I started walking, the rest home. It had taken me an extra five minutes to walk home from where the bus had stopped. My mood turned ecstatic when I could see my house, I almost started running up at my door. 

 Once I had a step forward on my porch, I had took a deep breathe in taking my key out of my bag, then to only slowly turn the doorknob.

"I'm Home!" I yelled, having the sudden feel of security as I had gotten my whole body into my house.

I see as my mom walks out of the kitchen, while my dad comes out as well with his phone in one hand. Seeing them together put a smile to my face, I dropped my bag and I ran up to them giving them a group hug.

"OH sweetie, Welcome home" My mom said taken aback from the sudden impact I had put onto them.
"How was school?"
"It was fun"
"That's good to hear sweetie"
"Did you make any friends?" My dad asked getting out of my grip.
"I guess?"
"That's good to hear! Does that mean your over-"
"I'm not sure"
"It's okay Sweetie, I'm glad to hear the news though"

I had let go of the both of them, "Can I go see Ms.J ?"
"But you just got home"
"I'll be back, I want to go see her too"
"She's coming over for dinner today"

Before my parents could say anything I started walking out of the door and start heading to Ms.J house. Her house was a few blocks away but I hadn't cared. Walking happily over to her house, I reached her doorstep. I knocked on the door, and was greeted by her smiley expression as she see me.

"Hello Y/N, Please come in"

I started walking inside of her home and had placed myself on the usual spot I would sit, as she sat on her rocking chair.

"So, how school?"
"I HAVE SO much to tell you. This week was the most interesting week I have experienced throughout my whole time at university!"
"Oh, do go on"

"So, umm there is this boy, who seemed to continuously grabbed my attention so, I don't know what got over me but at lunch I ACTUALLY walked up to him, and even TALKED to him. I think then from there we became friends? We had those hangouts too! I shocked myself as later that week I was invited to a party and I actually went, I kind of didn't stay sober, But I was being safe. I think that's a summary of what had happened"

Anti-social 🚫 JjkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin