“ Yes I do. I'm not allowed to tell. “

“ Why not? It's not like I'm going anywhere to tell”

“ You’re going to get both of us in trouble if you keep asking me stuff” He says, looking down at me. His hair flips over his eyes as he does so.

“ Well, then I'll ask a question you can answer. Why that color for your hair? “ I ask.

“  Why did you choose the color for your hair? In all honesty, it's always been like this, it's naturally white. I just randomly add color streaks. It was blue last week”

“ And the week before ,he looked like a fucking clown threw up on him” Someone says, wrapping her arm around me. I look at her.

“ umm.hi? Why- why are you touching me”

“ Sorry Raven. Just learning a bit about you. I'm Jinx.” The purple haired girl lets go of me.

“ So who did you steal from this time?”  Evan asks. I tilt my head.

“ Gem. She wouldn't shut the hell up,so why not? “ Jinx answers.

“ Wait,what did you steal?” I ask, confused.

“ Her voice. Well, sort of. Her ability to talk. And I'm only borrowing anyways.ill give it back eventually”  Jinx winks. I nod like I understand,even though I'm still confused as all hell.

“ Jordan here can't talk on her own. She has to steal the ability to talk from another.When she's ready to give it back, she says the victim’s name three times and thier voice returns. Which is why we call her Jinx.”  Evan explains .

“ oh! Ok, that makes more sense. But why steal a voice. Just learn sign launguage” I grin. Jinx puts her hand under her chin and pushes it out towards me. Well fuck you too then.

“ She already knows it, and Jinx. Watch your launguage.” Evan says,sighing.

“ Give me a mirror and I can, Angel boy” She smirks

“ You're an Angel!? Why the hell are you helping people kidnap people then!” I growl.

“ Half angel. And I'm not. I'm just stuck here. “

“ Like everyone else. “ Jinx grins.

“ There's more kids?”

“ A whole hellava lot more, But most of us grew up here. You and ….whatsername? Peyton? You guys Are new here.”

“ Nat too. “ Evan says.

“ Peyton Sharp?” I ask, tilting my head. Evan nods.

“ Yeah, the siren. They're probably at lunch already, which is where we should be going instead of standing here chatting “ Jinx grins. I follow them to the crowded cafeteria. It's like a bording school mixed with a sanitarium here. I sigh and  grab the food that I'm handed and sit down with Evan and Jinx. I'm eating quietly for a while before suddenly getting tackled to the ground by a cat. A fucking cat,what the hell.

“ Godamnitt Cat! Get back here! I'm going to fucking kill you!” A girl yells. I do a double take.

“ Yandere!?” I ask. She slants her eyes at me. ( yAndere-iplier is a girl in my story-)

“ Do I know you? You look familiar….. you aren't after my senpai are you!?” She asks. I shake my head quickly.

“ No. I'm Dark’s daughter” I say. She relaxes.

“ Oh! You’re my niece!” Yandere says. The cat jumps off my lap and shifts to a humanoid form.

“ Mine too! Hi, I'm Cat.” he says. He’s around Glitch’s age.

We promised,Didnt we?-Danti x female Child  reader.Where stories live. Discover now