Chapter 11

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Dark pov

I'm going to kill him. I should have fucking listened to Anti, but I thought Wilford had more sense than that. I run to Wilford's room and slam the door open. He's just sitting on his bed like nothing happened. I walk over to him and pick him up by the throat, slamming him into the wall

" What the fuck is wrong with you! '' i yell. He grabs my wrist and tries to pull my hand off his neck. I squeeze tighter, and he stops, passing out. I let go and he drops to the ground, immediately opening his eyes and kicking at me., sending me to the floor. Damnit he was faking. I grunt and get back up, red smoke surrounding me. He grabs his gun and aims it at me, but i teleport behind him and rip it out of his hand. Anti is watching, ready to jump in if needed, but im sure im going to be fine. After a few minutes of fighting I've got Wilford against the wall by his throat again, and im squeezing hard. His eyes are wide with fear. I hear Anti come up beside me.

'' Dark ya can't kill him, He's too important ta Mark's fanbase, and he's your brother. What would Glitch think?'' He says.

''What!? Why are you standing up for him? He got our daughter drunk!'' I say, looking at him. Anti sighs.

'' I know, i want him dead too. I've wanted him dead for a while actually, but that's besides the point. Just...kick him out or somethin'. '' Anti says. As much as i hate to say it, he's right. I let go of Wilford and he drops to the ground again, but this time he stays.

'' Fine.... Wilford, Get out of the house, you aren't welcome here anymore. I'm having Google remove your residency from his database as well. If i see you here after tonight, i will not hesitate to kill you.'' i say, and leave the room. Anti walks next to me, hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

'' We should go check on the girls, make sure they're ok'' He says. I nod.

'' Allright, im gonna do something real quick though.'' i say, He nods.

''K then, ill be upstairs with the girls.'' He says, walking that way. I walk over to Google.

'' OK Google.'' I say, he goes rigid, and i start my command.

'' Remove Wilford Warfstache from current residents of Raspy Hill. Have Bing do the same.'' I say, then i head upstairs once he's registered the command.

Y/n pov

'' no, im fine stop worrying, all i got was a headache'' Raven says for like the twelfth time. Anti has aked her the same question over and over again. I giggle a little.

''Daddy,, she said she was ok, i get that your worried, but the excessive asking is kinda annoying.''I say. Raven giggles and mouths a thanks.

'' See!? Y/n agrees. I promise im ok.'' She says. Anti sighs, then smirks a little.

'' Good, that means i can do .....this!'' Anti yells the last part and starts tickling Raven. She squirms around on the bed, laughing. I laugh and walk over, tickling her as well, then Anti turns an starts tickling me. I roll over, giggling, and trying to get away.

''N-no fair! I was tic-ckling Raven!'' i say through small bursts of laughter. Anti laughs and tickles us both more.

'' Staaahhpppp iiitttt! '' Raven giggles. Anti grins and stops , and me and Raven have time to catch our breath. I look around and see Dark standing in the doorway, chuckling. I stick my tounge out at him.

''It's not funny'' i pout. He grins.

'' Then why are you laughing?'' Anti asks with a lopsided grin. I hit him playfully.

''Cuz you tickled me you jerk!'' I say, making Dark laugh more. I grin at the both of them.

'' Hey Dad? What was that suprise you were talking about when you left? Did we mess it up?'' Raven says suddenly. Dark smiles at her.

'' No . We had already fixed up the suprise, we just had to get the list of supplies,and buy them'' He says.

'' Supplies for what?'' I ask, dreading the answer if it's what i think it is.

'' School!'' Anti says cheerfully. And it is. Great. I groan.

'' Ugghh not school! Why i dont wanna learn. I can get litteraly everything i need to learn from school off YouTube.'' i say.

'' Not this school'' Dark says. I look up at him, eyebrows raised.

''How so? Is it a special school for demons or something? '' I ask sarcastically.

'' Actually, it sort of is'' Anti says. My eyes go wide in suprise.

"Wait? Like... thats an actual thing? I was just kidding!'' I said. Dark laughs.

'' We could tell, and yes, it is an actual thing. But it's not just for demons, it's for alter egos and such that cant go to a normal school. Thats where Glitch and JG go during the day.'' Dark says. I nod.

''So..when do we start?'' I ask.

'' After the break.'' Anti says .i smile and nod, yawning a bit as i do. Anti and Dark take the hint and say goodnight, leaving me and Raven in the room. We put on our pajamas and i turn off the light.

''Night Y/n'' Raven says.

''Night Rae'' I reply, and get in bed, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep

A/n - Im alive! sorry! The school blocked Wattpad and I couldn't get on, so to make up for it I have a bunch a chapters and a contest for ya!

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