chapter 8

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As comfortable as I am, I can't sleep.Raven keeps tossing and turning. Sighing, I walk over to her side of the room.

"Rae? You alright?" I ask. She doesn't answer.She's asleep,just having a nightmare. I try to shake her awake, but it doesn't work. I sit on the side of the bed and run my hand through her hair,humming a song. She relaxes and I get up to go over to my bed,but she starts whimpering in her sleep. I sit back down and end up falling asleep next to her.


I end up in a small room with Raven beside me.

" y/n? What are you doing here? " She asks. I shrug.

" you were having a nightmare....looks like it stopped though..." I said looking around. She shakes her head.

" I just started. " She says,her eyes wide with fear. I look around,but see nothing, just white,everywhere. Then it sinks in...the walls around us are getting smaller and smaller.Each second increasing in speed. Soon the walls are touching my shoulders,and stop,leaving barely any space to move.Raven is staring at the ground.At first I think its a way to cope for the small amount of space,then I feel something wet under my shoes.I look down and see the room is slowly filling up with a red liquid.It has a metallic sent. My eyes widen in realization. The room is filling with blood. Raven is just staring at it.

"Raven stop looking at it and look for a way out." I say. She shakes her head.

" There isn't one. The room just keeps filling up with their blood until I eventually drown in it and wake up." she say

" Their? Whose blood is it?" She points to the walls,which are no longer white,they are clear like an aquarium tank. Around the tank are multiple girls that had lived in the orphanage with us. They all have multiple cuts running up and down their bodies, leaking blood that pools into a container attached to hoses,which lead to the small tank thing me and Raven are in.

"Raven its not know that right?'' I say,looking away from the bodies. She looks up at me,and I stumble back and fall.

" It is real. It just hasn't happened yet." She says.Her eyes are glowing. The right one is red,and the left is green.

" What do you mean? Its not going to happen. Its just a nightmare. A dream....wait..a dream! If what Da- Dark and Anti said is true... I can get us out of here!" I say,getting up. She tilts her head,her eyes returning back to the normal e/c shade that my eyes are. I hug her .

" I'm gonna get us out. Close your eyes." I say. I freak out a bit as the blood starts rising quicker. I take a deep breath and close my eyes ,hugging Raven tighter the blood is up to my neck,making her completely submerged.

'get us out.get us out get us ou-' I cut off as it reaches above my head.

(Dream end)

I bolt up,gasping for air,and still hugging Raven. She's crying really hard. She looks up at me. Her eyes are glowing again,same as the dream. She cries harder,And the door bursts open.

"Y/n,Raven!? Are you Okay?" Anti yells. I look up at him,and his eyes are the same green that Raven's left eye is. Dark os standing next to him,his eyes glowing the same red as her right eye.I nod.

" Y-yeah. Just a nightmare ." I say. Raven shudders and Anti comes over and hugs the both of us.

" shhh its okay was just a bad dream." He says. Dark comes over and hugs us as well. I smile at them both.

" Thank you Dad,Daddy." I say. They hug tighter,and stay with us until we both fall asleep.

A/n- ERROR 563: Author is experiencing writers block and is out of ideas. Help would be greatly appreciated.

We promised,Didnt we?-Danti x female Child  reader.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat