chapter 25

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Y/n pov

((is there a food court in pax? IDk. Ive never been. And welp- it doesn't matter ))

I send mark a quick text and we're on our way.We leave the Pax building to go get it at an actual ice cream shop., Me and Max getting (fave flavor) sundaes and Raven getting Mint chocolate chip. Max was a sweetheart and payed for it, even though both me and Raven could have payed for our own. Raven wanted to sit on the spinny chairs, and ,to be honest, i did as well, even though it was kind of childish.

''So, you guys are having a birthday soon, huh?'' Max asks. I tilt my head.

'' YEah, how'd you know?''

'' Peyton Sharp.''

''Oh, yeah makes sense.She's your cousin's girlfriend, right?''

''yup.But Peyton is nonbinary, like me.''

'' Oh. well then wrong pronouns, sorry.''

''NAh it's cool... Hey''


''YOu got a little something on your face...right-there!'' Max grins, wiping whipped cream on my nose.

''Ahh! MAx! Why! You dork!'' I giggle, and grab a napkin to get it off.

''Because you look cute covered in it.''Max jokes.

''That makes no sense whatsoever. But okay.''

'' Actually you look cute at all times~'' Max grins. I feel the blood rush to my face as this is said.

''Yeah! Unlike you.'' I joke.

'' Well This child is now offended!'' Max huffs jokingly,and gets up.

''Hey- don't leave-I was kiddin''

''I know. But i gotta throw my trash away.I'll get yours too'' Max says, grabbing my empty cup and the soiled napkins.

''Oh, thanks Max!'' I smile at them as they get up and head to the trash. I turn towards Raven, but she isn't there. She probably went to the bathroom, but i don't remember her saying anything about it.

Raven Pov.

'' Rae, you listening?'' Damien pokes my shoulder, and i turn to him.

'' Oh, yeah sorry! I just realized i didn't tell y/n that i saw you'' I smile.

'' It's cool. I texted her. '' He grins. I think i feel something off, but it vanishes almost as quickly as it came.

''Oh, okay.. So, where are we going?''

''I can't tell ya, it's a surprise. ''

''Aww but i wanna know.''

'' But it's a surprise. I can't tell you if it's a surprise. I thought you knew these rules.''

''I do. I just don't care for them.''

''You've been hanging around your cousins too much. Willa and Jessica are terrible influences.''

''So i've been told.'' I grin. Damian laughs.

' Ey, You two!'' A familiar voice yells. I turn towards it and grin.

'' Skittles! You dyed your hair back! Why?''

'' Rainbow was a bit out of season .Blame Shade for it bieng normal colors again.''

'' Good. You looked gay with the rainbow hair.'' Damian jokes

'' I am gay ...''Storm raises an eyebrow.

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