Head Hazer's Boyfriend

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**Kongpob's POV**

After we officially became boyfriends now, I can see how my little turtle came out of his shell. He is still shy whenever I get too close to him and tease him too but he doesn't avoid me, in fact, he kinda looks for me wherever I am and even teases me.

Not that I'm complaining but there has been a complete shift in his personality, he's a baby sometimes but then he's a cheeky brat sometimes.

After our "wife incident", he became a campus star like me overnight but now he's getting famous for another reason, for being the "Cute Junior" who has the head hazer tied up on his finger.

Although I don't really mind it, it really bothers me that he's getting so much attention from everyone on the campus and now even more people are approaching him and sometimes I'm not able to take him away and they manage to actually confess or worse manipulate him into "innocently" helping them or giving them his number he's so clueless sometimes I tell you.

Like right now I'm waiting outside for him but he's chatting with the "New Professor", seriously why can't he understand he's a kid for him, that old uncle professor, whenever I see him I just wanna punch him in the face, I know what kind of thoughts he's having for my baby.

"Fuck it" I said as I entered the room and went to them.

"So Arthit I'll call you tonight ok? Then we'll decide where to meet" That creepy uncle said to my Arthit and showed him a disgusting smile.

"Yeah ok I'll wait for it" Arthit replied and I fucking bolted to him and put my hands on his waist.

"Ahh P'Kong," he said and tried to remove my hands but I just tightened my hold on him.

"Yeah baby me, I missed you so much you know" I said, knowing full well he's going to punch me later but I can't help it, I'll have to keep that uncle away and while I was thinking Arthit somehow managed to get away from me.

"Umm Arthit, later I guess" he said and gave another creepy and disgusting smile, what the fuck he can't understand that I'm his boyfriend? What does he want me to do here claim him in front of him?

"Yes, Sir... I mean P'Dan" Arthit replied to him, what P'Dan huh?.

After that crazy professor left, my Arthit obviously smacked my head.

"Have you gone crazy?" He almost shouted.

"What can't I touch and miss my boyfriend now?" I asked him.

"You can but the point here is I was talking to a PROFESSOR here, can't you show others some respect?" He replied. Respect that jerk? never.

"Forget it let's go on a date today" I asked him looking straight at him.

"Ummm... I can't P', I have to.. have to.. meet my parents yeah parents today" he replied, parents or this jerk? What are you doing now baby?

He said bye and left in a rush, why the hell is he lying to me now?


**Arthit's Pov**

Ok, so here I was waiting for the call from my professor to know where we're going to meet up tonight. No, I'm not cheating on P'Kong with him.

Actually, a student in Economics faculty reported that the head-hazer harrassed him during hazing and now every faculty in the university is required to submit a report whether or not there's something like that is happening in their faculty too.

Now our new professor Professor Dan or as P'Kong call him creepy uncle is selected for this job, so he did some questioning and asked around teachers and students about the head-hazer and obviously they all said he's awesome but there's this one guy he's been tailing and teasing for quite some time and surprise surprise it's me, so he wanted to ask some question but he had to attend some seminar too, so we can only meet up like this. Finally he texted and I left.

"Hey, Arthit" Professor Dan said or P'Dan as he told me to call him.

I just smiled at him.

We chatted for a while about stuff and I was waiting for him to ask me some real question so that I can be out of here.

"So Arthit, as far as I know, Kongpob is actually taking advantage of his head-hazer position and has been harassing you right?" He asked me.

"Haha no P', it's not like that" I replied seriously why does he think he's harassing me ok he does get on my nerves sometimes but not like this.

"Look Arthit you don't have to lie for him, I even know he's got a boyfriend already yet he can't seem to stay away from you" he said trying to explain or more like make me agree to him but I'm that boyfriend, you idiot.

"Umm, sir..." I started talking but he cut me off.

"No, listen here Arthit, I don't know if you know this but I sort of liked you since the day we met and I really don't want that kongpob guy to harass you like this, so trust me I'll take care of you" he said and held my hand in his hands, ugh what the hell? Did he like me? So my dear boyfriend was right about him and speaking of him I saw him looking at us with a burning glare and he looked like he would come and punch him anytime.

I removed my hands from P'Dan's at once and just said "I'm sorry but I'm the head hazer's boyfriend and he's not harassing me so if you'll please excuse me I have no further reason to stay with you here. Good night Professor" I said and left him, now I doubt he even had any seminar but what kind of unprofessional behaviour is this? Maybe I should just report him instead.

I walked up to my boyfriend who was watching me with surprise, oh yeah, he probably hasn't seen my fierce side so much haha he'll get used to it.

I laughed and smacked his butt and walked away thinking he would follow me but he was just rooted in his place.

"Umm hello Mr Kongpob aren't you gonna follow your boyfriend" I shouted and he rushed towards and I can't stop laughing at his cute expressions, haha he's such a kid sometimes.

We reached my dorm and he was about to leave when I held his hand and whispered "I need you tonight Kong" and I think he melted right there.

He was so flustered, god, who said he's gonna make me his wife hehe? But tonight I really can't help it, he looked so cute when I practically announced our relationship in front of everyone in the restaurant.

I laughed as he was still processing what was happening and I just dragged him inside, change is always good right? *Wink wink*


**Author's Note**

Hey guys first of all Happy Eid to those who celebrate 💖💖

And about the chapter I have no idea what I'm writing anymore 😂😂 I get dizzy writing now 😹😹but I hope you guys liked it 😅😅

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