The One

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To bright's amazement, I ended up filing the position as he just brought me here as a prank since he thought I would go crazy with such little humans around me and honestly at first I thought so too but I actually sort of enjoyed their company, these kids are really something else.

All of them were nice and cute but sassy as hell, seriously what are these kids watching these days.

And before I know it the bell rang again. Time pass by quickly with them being all stupid, curious and that Simba being flirty and teasing me seriously what kind of cartoon taught him all this?

They all started going out and most of their parents are there except Simba he's still standing outside the building and I didn't have the heart to leave him alone there.

"Hey, " I said.

"Oon" he replied smiling again, he's so cute. But hey why are they all are calling me Oon I'll teach them to respect their seniors tomorrow.

"Who's going to pick you up?" I asked.

"I don't know" he replied, god why are parents so careless about their kids, they should pay attention to them if they decided to have them.

I took Simba with me to the nearest Coffee shop where we waited for someone to come for him.

I tried calling P'Tum but he said he's going to back in some time so I should just accompany Simba.

He was having his chocolate milkshake while I was having my Pink Milk staring out of the window with Simba focused on the videos playing in my phone.

Then my guy came on the road, he looked so dashing and so cool riding that bike and then he parked it and took off his helmet and my heart stopped beating for a second.

He was so good-looking and had a kind smile plastered on his face and he walked around with such great aura that I can't help but drool over him.

Actually ever since I started working here I watched him around few times on his bike waiting for someone but I never saw who he was waiting for or where he went just a little glimpse of him and maybe just maybe he was one of the reasons I decided to work here.

Seriously before meeting him I had no idea what I wanted in my partner but now I know this is it I'm in love already, this is the guy I want to spend rest of my life with, he's the one I wanna be happy, sad and grow old.

As I was busy day-dreaming about him, the guy just entered the cafe and looked around for someone and I tried sneaking stares at him god this is so Awesome maybe I can try and see who he comes to pick up every day and maybe I can try talking to him.

"POPS" Simba shouted all of a sudden.

The guy and I turned my attention to him and the guy started walking towards us. How did Simba know him? Are they close? Wait did he call him pops? He's Simba's father?

"Hey kiddo" the guy said ruffling Simba's hair.

"POPS" Simba pouted frowning at him.

"Hey I'm kongpob, I hope he didn't trouble you enough sorry I was about to pick him up but someone got into an accident so I stopped to help them" kongpob explained. Yeah, of course he helped someone now I can't even hate him why is he so good.

"No he's a good kid and I'm Arthit" I replied with a heavy heart.

"I'm not a kid Oon, I'm your husband" Simba shouted and the guy stared at him for a sec but then he started laughing so loudly and both I and Simba just glared at him.

"Why are you laughing" we said in unison and Kongpob started laughing even more loudly so I just pouted.

"Man I would love to sit and talk with my Son-in-law Simba but we have to go, your mom's waiting for you plus it's getting late for him too" kongpop said and flashed his dazzling smile again.

"Don't mind me asking but aren't you too you too young Arthit or should I say Oon?" Kongpob asked.

"I gave my high school exams P', I'll start college soon" I answered.

"Still you are so young... I guess I'll see you later huh I have somewhere to go after dropping Simba at home" kongpob said and ruffled my hair too and gave me a sort of flirtatious wink and took Simba with him.

"What the hell? And You are also too young to be a father you nevermind..." I mumbled and sat back in my seat.

"Seriously I fell in love the first time in my life and got heartbroken immediately" I said and ordered two more pink milk, I want to get drunk on pink milk tonight.

"Why is life so unfair to me I fell in love with the father of my student" I thought.

How miserable am I? Like I was having the best time of my life crushing at him from afar but now I don't think it's really appropriate for me to even think about him like that. Why me god? Don't I deserve someone seriously how long are you going to make me wait?

But luckily I'm about to start my College soon and maybe I'll be able to forget about him and find my another love since he already has someone in his life and he already has a kid for god's sake.

After that I was normal with Simba and to be honest, he's my favourite here and we are so close. But I would always try to avoid his father whenever he would come to pick him up which is almost every day.

I mean I don't wanna come off as a crazy creepy teacher who hits on his student's parents right and that too their fathers, I mean the guy must like girls I mean Simba is a proof of that right, I thought. But I can't help but look at him with those heart eyes every now and then and maybe just stare at him a longer, maybe linger with the handshake a bit longer but that's about it I tried to restrain myself from being too obvious and I guess I was somehow successful in it.

I tried to give myself strength since this is my last week here and I'll leave after this week for college to study engineering like I always planned.

Sometimes I also got weird vibes from kongpob since he would always try to get close to me even though I ignored him so much and would send some gifts for me with Simba since he knows no one can say no to that cute child.

Simba told me that tomorrow, my last day there, his mom will come and pick him up and she wants to meet me and also Kongpob asked him to tell me to wait for him since he wants to talk to me.

Shit, this is it, he figured it out that I have a crush on him? Now what he wants to try and make me understand this is wrong or anything? Maybe that's why he's bringing Simba's Mom too to make sure I understand or maybe he told her and she's mad at me for trying to steal her kid's father.

No, I'm not ready to face all this, I'm not strong enough for this. I picked up my phone and texted P'Tum I won't be able to come tomorrow and thanked him for always helping me with the work.

He was a bit sad since he wanted to give me a farewell, I mean we had gotten pretty close and I might keep in touch with him too but I don't wanna face kongpob's rejection, I'm not strong enough.


**Author's Note**

Hehe so ok don't worry Arthit is not a paedophile to fall for Simba or whatever you guys are thinking 😝😝 And finally he met his crush Kongpob but oh well he got heartbroken, don't worry he'll find someone right? Ok so now we've met Simba and Kongpob now who's next maybe Singto 😵😵😂😂😂 I hope you guys are enjoying this.

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