Head Hazer

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After giving up on P'kongpob, I finally started University to start fresh and new. I want to leave my One-sided First love behind me and begin the new part of my life.

I shifted to my dorm and moved out of my parent's house and surprise surprise they looked happier than ever that they can spend more time together. Seriously why are they always acting like teenagers in love I mean I'm the one who's supposed to be crazy and clingy in love ahhh.. nevermind I think my mom is right I'm jealous of their love.

No Arthit now is not the time to think about him. I motivated myself to go to the class. And of course, my entire gang is there.

"What the hell you guys? Why are you here?" I asked them.

"Wow most people would feel happy if they can go to college with their school best friends you know" bright said.

"Well most people don't have you as their friends and yeah I'm definitely happy with the others but why are you here," I told him.

"Seriously this is how you treat me even after I got you that job that you loved so much" bright said, of course, reminding me of my job, kids, Simba and P'Kongpob.

Luckily before we could talk more teacher came started the lecture.

We were ready to leave and prepare for coming classes and relax after a long hectic day but we were asked to assemble in the cheer hall for hazing.

From whatever I've heard about hazing and saw in movies and shows, I've learned that no matter what I shouldn't mess with the head hazer and should do whatever he says to let this all pass smoothly.

So I was doing just that I hung my head low along with my friends when the Hazing team entered the hall and didn't even dare sneak a peek.

They introduced themselves and talked about hazing and rituals a bit but suddenly the head hazer stopped for whatever reason and some of us dared to look up to him and I heard soft mumbling about him being so good looking and all well I'm not to take this risk just to see if the guy is hot or not and he's most probably not as hot as my P'Kong oh why can't I get him out of my mind huh.

"Ok Now I'm going to randomly pick of you to answer me" He said in his sexy voice yes I admit the voice was indeed sexy.

"0206, stand up" then the head hazer said.

We waited for a while but nobody actually stood up. What the hell is wrong with this 0206 why is he not standing up? Does he really want to get punished that badly?

"0206" the head hazer shouted once again but still no response.

"0206 Arthit Rojnapat" he shouted more loudly this time and bright hit my head to make me realise that I was the one being called all along.

Shit shit shit, why the hell am I so stupid huh? The head hazer is going to kill me today, No, what should I do I'm so dead today.

As I was standing thinking I'm going to die and my head still hung low and I didn't dare to look up to the head hazer but the head hazer had different plans he walked and stood right in front of me and that too really close I could even smell his addictive perfume.

"So you don't think it was important enough to stand and answer me when I was calling you right?" He said.

"No P', I really didn't think like that.." I beginning to explain but he just cut me off.

"You don't want to get to know us right? Maybe you really don't even want to be my junior right?" He said.

"It's not like that P', I was really... I ..." I said but again he cut me off.

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