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Hop hop hop...

A few more till it's over.


Late at night, I couldn't sleep. I just missed Bunny too much.

I gripped the phone tightly as I listened to the ringing.

"Pick up. Please pick up..." I bit my lower lip as I chanted like a spell. "Please pick up."

I waited for her to answer my calls.

Just once, just once I wanted her to accept the call.

I just wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to feel the goosebumps that would blanket my skin as her voice travelled down to my ear drums.

I miss you...

I could not stop thinking about her. And I was desperate to escape from this cage I was in, but for now I had to obey because I had caused the ruckus that had become my sentencing.

I just wanted to hear the voice that made my heart churn, and caused my life to standstill at the snap of a finger.

It was on the last ring and I could feel my heart crumble.


Then it ended or so I thought.

"Hello?" My heart stopped beating at her voice.

"Hello...it's me."

"What did you do? What did you do this time?" Her voice full of scolding but to me that was good enough. It was good enough for me.

"Where are you?" I asked. I did not want to tell her about my sccidnetal spill. I did not want to give her a chance in rejecting me...

"Home, away from the reporters." She explained. I wanted to feel her lips brush my earlobes as she spoke. I wanted her arms around my neck as I held her close.

"You don't have to tell them anything." I told her. "Nothing."

"Okay..." her words were soft and through the phone I couldn't feel her.

"Bunny," I called out, I could feel my voice break. I wanted her so much. I hated knowing that we were still unofficially not together. "I miss you, Bunny. I need you."

"Where are you?" Bunny was mad as she cried out. I held on to the phone as I sat on the edge of the bed. I was away from her and it persecuted my soul and heart. "Jungkook, you said you were going to come back. You promised. You said we were going to talk."

"I know..."

"Jungkook—!" Bunny sounded so sad, her voice cracking and without her usual energy. It was worse than her being mad at me.

"I love you." I confessed. "I love you so much."

"Y-you! You always do this. Always."

"I love you." I confessed. And I could confess again and again.

"Jungkook..." She whispered back sternly, her voice tinged with resentment, but I knew she loved me. I just needed to hear it from her.

"Say it back. To me, for me?" I whispered, my ears cemented unto the earpiece. "Please..."


She sighed.

"I love you, Bunny."

"I love you too."

I was finally able to sleep after that phone call. Knowing that she loved me, I could sleep in peace, just for a bit.

HIS: Bunny (Jungkook) | {Book 2 } ✔️Where stories live. Discover now