"You're a clever one." I stared at the red slippers laughing at our little inside joke against my fingertips.

"I thought you would get a kick out of it." Hutch pulled me close and planted a sweet kiss on the top of my head. "This is a big turnout. I didn't realize you were such a popular girl."

I smiled, looking around at all the strange faces mingling at my birthday party.

"Most of these people are friends of Nona," I assured him.

Hutch nodded, leaning over he whispered into my ear. "You look stunning, doll."

I blushed. "Thanks. So do you." I tugged on the collar of his white shirt and gray vest. He looked handsome, and I loved how he left the white shirt underneath open not bothering to button the three buttons. I toyed with the necklace hiding under the fabric of the white shirt he was wearing.

"What's this?" I asked.

Hutch pulled it free. "A family heirloom."

I gave one more look at the dark stone before he tucked it away, and took my hand.

"Don't you want to say hello to everyone else?" His eyes stayed connected to mine. The energy between us sped my heart up as I stared at him.

I nodded, "maybe in a little while."

Hutch shook his head understanding. "Sure, why don't we get something to drink?" I followed him to the beverages, and he got us both fancy punch Nona named after me in honor of my birthday.

"Sweet pea, quite the nickname," Hutch teased, sipping his purple punch, he grinned over the cup at me.

"Ever since I can remember it's what she called me." I took a swig of mine. "What about you? Do you have any nicknames?"

Hutch frowned and looked off trying to recall. I was really enjoying his company. "I can't say that I do. Do you have anything in mind?"

I laughed. I could think of a few things I wanted to call him. Like hottie or sexy. However, I wasn't about to tell him those. His eyes lit up with amusement. He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear.

"You're going to want to learn to control that."

I stared at him in awe, my cheek's warming. "What do you mean?"

His smile grew even bigger. "Hottie or sexy aren't very common nicknames. Even so, I am flattered, thank you."

I turned away mortified he tapped into my thoughts.

"Don't worry about it. I'm flattered you think so highly of me." He turned me toward him again. "And it also means you're getting better with your abilities."

"It's quite embarrassing. I can't believe you heard that." Hutch touched my cheek.

"Don't worry about it. If only you could hear what is going on in here when it comes to you." He tapped the side of his head. I laughed, forgetting my mess up. I didn't feel bad anymore; it almost felt okay Hutch knew what I thought about him. At least, I didn't have to say it out loud.

Hutch and I made our rounds thanking everyone for coming to my birthday party. He even forced me to thank the people I didn't know. It wasn't anything I would have done on my own, but he made me feel like I could do anything.

"You're such a charmer. I think my grandma has a crush on you after that story." I told him. We got another glass of punch. Hutch was a very wise guy and the stories he told everyone about his travels impressed everyone, including Nona.

I tried to decide on a finger food while Hutch refilled our drinks. I was starving now and I needed to eat. I must have been too busy trying to find something to stuff my face with because the next thing I knew there he was.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now