The party

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Hot water hit my face, I willed it to wash away the bad feelings I felt toward Lynette. I tried to believe she was doing more good than harm when it came to Dad.

But, like everything else in my life my shower was ruined by someone's intruding knocks.

I yanked the shower curtain to the side and yelled, "I'm coming." Didn't people know when a girl needed a moment alone?

I hurried out of the shower toweling the water from my body.

"Dad, the door," I screamed, hopping into my shorts and tank top.

I slipped from the bathroom, towel in hand, that oh so fresh feeling as the cool air kissed my skin. Dad was nowhere to be found, long gone, probably frolicking on the beach with his girlfriend. I thought.

I rounded the corner pleased to see Karsen standing outside the screen door.

"Don't you know you're always welcome to come in? You don't have to bang like a wild animal." She smirked and looked down at the inside lock throwing my snarky comment to the wayside; it wasn't going to work because she was locked out.

I flicked the lock, and she stepped inside carrying a bag of laundry.

"I wouldn't say that to everyone. Who knows what weirdoes might be lurking around these parts," she commented, pulling up a seat. She tossed her laundry on the tabletop. I pushed it to the floor.

"We don't want your nasty panties on our table. I thought you did your laundry at Kidd's?" I took a seat and started toweling my hair dry, working the towel from the very top all the way to the ends.

"I just wanted to get out of there." She smoothed her hair behind her ear flashing me an innocent smile, but I was not buying it. Ever since we were kids, I knew how to tell when Karsen was hiding something.

"Nothing pries you away from Kidd, spill it sister." I stared her down.

She sighed, looking bothered. "I told you I didn't want to be around her anymore." She didn't have to say who her was. I knew she meant Audrey.

"I slapped her today," I said with a satisfied smirk creeping up on my lips.

"Good. I slapped Slade today too." She dodged my shocked expression and my fallen jaw, crossing her arms in defiance.


Karsen shook her head, refusing to feel awful about what she did. "I told you I would never let anyone treat you bad. He walked into the house with Audrey. It made me angry, and I slapped him. Sue me."

I released a breath of air frustrated. Before I could say anything more, Karsen jumped up. "But before you go getting all upset about your so-called boyfriend, hear me out." She started across the kitchen floor, her flip-flops slapping her heels.

I eyed her warily.

"Kidd told me to steer clear for a while seeing I didn't know how to play nice. I'm sure it will blow over after he is done defending his best bud, whatever, that's beside the point." She rolled her blue eyes still bitter Kidd sided with Slade over her. "While I was on the way here some surfers on the beach told me about this party, and I think we should go." I hope she was kidding if she thought now was the time for a party.

"You can't be serious. I am so not in the mood for partying. I am trying to figure out what to do about this whole mess." I stood up, crossing the room and going to the refrigerator.

"What mess?"

I spun around. "Slade. Audrey, just everything." If she only understood how deep, it all went.

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