Welcome Packet

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I laced my running shoes on the front porch of my house. It was super early. Everyone I knew was still asleep. And after a night like last night, there was no way I was going to be in my bed.

I started running while I was away at college. It was a way to break free from the monotony and to clear my head. Being away at school I felt more alone than ever before. No parents, no friends, and no loyal furry pal. It was just me in a sea of kids whom I never met before.

Aside from the late-night phone calls from Slade and the occasional drunk dial from Nona, life was boring. Dad only called when he was checking on me. He didn't call to talk or see how I'd been. He just wanted to make sure I wasn't mugged or lost on campus. It was his way to keep me from feeling bad for being away. He wasn't trying to hurt me.

I shoved the ear buds to my loyal iPod into my ears and headed down the porch steps. Turning on my favorite running tunes, Kelly Clarkson, my feet hit the runner's path in sync with Stronger as it flowed through my ear buds.

The sun at my back was glorious. Its warmth made me feel safe and secure. Like nothing else in the world mattered.

I steadied my breathing; the wind whipped my hair against my back. I picked up speed dodging seagulls gathered on the path.

I still was upset my homecoming was ruined by jail breaks and uninvited guest.

Who was this Audrey? Why did she think she needed to fill me in on anything? She knew nothing about me. So what if she was the daughter of the witch who brought Slade back to life. What did that have to do with me and my current situation?

I swore the next time I saw her, I would tell her just that.

I lifted my head, my breath catching in my throat, my eyes fell on the one person I did not want to see.

She smiled. Audrey. There she stood on the runner's path. I tugged the ear buds from my ears. Oh how I hated her sweet little smile.

"Good morning," she said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I moved around her and started jogging again.

"It's nice to see you too." She kept pace. I gave her a once over. She was wearing short shorts of the hot pink hue and a white sports bra. Her hair in a high pony tail and her cheeks dashed with a soft salmon-pink blush. If it wasn't for her odd personality, I would have admitted she was angelic.

"The ropes, don't you remember I said I would show you them?"

I frowned. I was hoping she was kidding. I didn't want to learn magic from a girl like her. I didn't trust her; there was only one person I trusted when it came to magic. And that was Slade.

"It's okay. I understand your apprehension with me. You have absolutely no idea who I am." This grabbed my attention. I stopped jogging, standing in the middle of the path waiting for her to say more.

"You're right I don't. All I know about you is that you like barging in on people in awkward situations," I replied. She ruined my moment with Slade, the first sexual encounter with him in months.

"There's always next time. Right?" She winked. "How about breakfast? My treat."

I tugged the rubber band from my hair. Did I have a choice in eating with her? I wasn't sure.


"Tell me about yourself," Audrey said, she caught the end of her straw between her glossy lips, her eyes pinned on me. "I want to know every juicy detail."

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now