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"Karsen call me. I don't know where you are, but you're supposed to be here." I shoved my phone in my pocket and took a seat at the counter of the malt shop at the shore theatre. We had a date to meet for milkshakes, and a cheesy horror flick. However, she was late, and I didn't see her anywhere.

"Could I get a vanilla milkshake?" I asked the pimpled face teen behind the counter. He smiled and nodded pulling one of those shiny metal cups from under the counter.

My phone chirped. I pulled it from my pocket and hit the call button. "You are a dirty bitch," I said in our customary greeting whenever one of us screwed-up big time.

"I totally forgot. I am so sorry," Karsen moaned into the phone like a babbling idiot. She giggled.

"Doesn't sound sincere enough for me," I told her.

"We got caught up, I am getting my nails painted and there is this man who Audrey says gives the best massages in Cherry. You should see this place," Karsen crooned. Singing praises for whatever spa she was sitting at. It was hard to say which one she was in seeing there was one on every corner of Cherry.

I gritted my teeth. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You're kidding me, Karsen. You're hanging out with Audrey."

"And Erica," Erica said in the background in a sing-song voice, another burst of laughter rang out over the phone.

"So, I was thinking we should reschedule. Erica said Slade was free. I'm sure he would love to see a movie with you. It's been two days since you talked to him," she offered.

I gave the young kid a smile accepting my milk shake. I slid five dollars across the counter and waved my hand at the change. I took a big swig, standing, balancing the phone against my ear with my shoulder as I marched out of the theatre, livid.

I shoved into the push bar on the door and released myself into the humid air near the water. "That's okay. I'm sure soon you will be hanging out with him too."

Karsen sighed. "Don't be like that, Hope."

"Who me? Its seems anymore everyone else is the issue." I held back the tears. It felt like betrayal of the worst kind. Karsen was hanging with the enemy. Karsen was my friend and now she was being sucked to the dark side—the really dark side.

I started down the boardwalk away from the theatre, bumping into random walkers on the way to who knew where. I didn't want to go home. I didn't know what I wanted.

"You know, don't worry about it. It's fine, I hope you have a great time. We can plan for another night." I smiled into the phone, lying my ass off didn't come easy when it came to Karsen, but Karsen's attention span was short, so I knew it would suffice so she could be on to the next thing.

I bit my tongue when I heard Audrey's giggle again, and I bit it even harder when Karsen stifled a giggle of her own long enough to say good-bye to me. I sighed, slipping my phone back into my pocket and started for the water.

I sipped on my shake, walking at a slow pace, the water mesmerizing as the waves lapped the shore. My feet crunching over shells scattered over the sand. I dropped down in the sand sitting Indian style. Staring at the moon I looked at so many times throughout my life, back when I felt happy and believed there was a loving universe filled with so many promises for me. I wasn't sure I felt that way anymore.

I drew my legs close and rested my shake on the sand in front of me. Sanding my hands together I studied the cup. I wanted proof this magic wasn't all bad. I stared unblinking, willing the cup to rise. It trembled. I imagined the cup rising and to my surprise, it did. It was only a few inches, but it was something. I concentrated harder until it was above my head. I giggled, clapping my hands. It swayed back and forth with every clap. I furrowed my brow, guiding it with my finger, it danced and spun like a glorious creature. It was magic, and I was doing it.

Twisted Magic (Book 2 of the Ink Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें