Chiara's teacher.

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"Thank God it is Monday!" Chiara said to herself as she busily prepared to leave for school. Monday morning had dawned with iridescent, blue skies.
To Chiara everything looked beautiful. It was a chance to escape from the house.
The only opportunity she had to see the outside world.
Peeking at her mom, who was sitting outside and enjoying a cup of coffee, Chiara again wondered why her mom disliked her.
"Why can't Mr. Ackward go away and leave us alone?" Chiara thought to herself.
Chiara wondered if her mom was happy.
Sometimes she would deliberately walk to and fro, in front her mom, just to acquire a bit of attention.
Waste of time!
Her mom never spared her a glance. Instead her mom would become agitated, glance around to see if her husband was looking.
If he was, she would move immediately.
If not, Chiara's mom just sat there, oblivious to the call of her D.N.A.

After a while, Chiara would give up trying to get her mom's attention.
Tired of waiting, hoping and praying for a sign that someone cared, she would saunter away dejected.
Back to reality!

No one was in her corner!
Well at least the broom and mop she walked to the corner of the kitchen and began to give them the attention, which she so craved.

Upon arriving at school, just a mere ten minutes before the bell, which usually rang at 8.30 a.m.  Chiara headed directly to the almond tree, which was situated at the side of the school.
She could not wait to pick some of the delicious crimson almonds, for breakfast.
After picking four of the delectable meal, Chiara sat on one of the huge roots and enjoyed every morsel.
She then gathered dried almonds from below the tree.
Cracking them to get the nuts inside for a mid morning snack, was a hobby of hers. One which she enjoyed and which saved her life on many days.

The peal of the bell rang out.
Chiara scrambled to her feet, with the goodies safely tucked away in her skirt pocket.

Entering the classroom, she remembered to avert her face, hoping that her teacher, Miss Ronin, would not have noticed the bruise on her cheek.
Too late!
Chiara almost jumped out of her slipper, when her teacher gasped

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