Rise Up!!

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My dear readers.
How are you all feeling?
Wasn't that a sad chapter?

Don't feel depressed!
That is not what " The Truth Untold" is meant to do for your lives.

The purpose of this book, is for each and every one of you  to turn your TRIALS into TRIUMPH! A life changing and life altering experience!

Come on people!
Quit being discouraged!
We are all in the same world, but another place.
From each negative, comes a positive!
Love each other.......
Be aware of what is happening around  you.
Stop taking your children, other family members and friends for granted!

This is your season for Grace and Favor.
Take a moment to ponder.
Chiaras trials are intended to be a turnaround for you all.

Any parents on board?
I can see those smiles.
Stop for a minute!
Reach for those phones!
Dial your children and just say the three words which are more precious than gold!
Chiara craved those words from her parents, but never heard them.
Make a difference!
STAND with your children!

Try it you will see.
The glory cloud which is hovering above you, will burst and your lives will be illuminated with a sparkling shower of Blessings, such like you have never seen or felt before.

Believe that everything will work together for good!

I thank  you all for taking the time to read.

Now my dear followers.
Get on board the train as we travel into another Chapter of Chiara's life!

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