🎶I was driving you home in the middle of the night

But I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye

I was driving you home in the middle of the night

And there's no good way, yeah there's no good way🎶

I smile at him as we keep eye contact throughout the entire time and he smiles. However, I notice that his hand is shaking slightly as he comes closer, his expression nervous. I giggle at him as he tries to compose himself. 

🎶I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you, you

You got that something that I never wanna lose, lose, yeah

It's like dancing when the song's already over

Moving without getting any closer, oh oh oh oh

I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you🎶

I start to sway to the music and bob up and down as the music hits the chorus. I smile as he does a concert type of performance with the song. The football and cheer-leading team do their choreography in the backgorund. 

 🎶 I wanna feel you, really feel you

Not just hold you close at night

We keep our bodies tied together

To ignore what's on our minds (Yeah)I wanna feel you, really feel you

Not just hold you close at night

We keep our bodies tied together

To ignore what's on our minds (Yeah) 🎶

 I feel the sincerity and passion that he puts into the song and it makes my heart warm. By the end of the song, Lincoln and some other guy kicks a football just before the cheer-leading girls hold up a sign with black bold letters on it. I feel my jaw drop as I read it. 

Will you go to prom with me? 

Jack holds the microphone and adjusts it before saying, "I know, we've been through a lot lately and um..... well... it's just that um...... I was wondering if you'd like to go to prom with me?" He said, holding out two tickets in his shaking free hand. 

I smile and run up to him. I jump as my legs wrapping around his torso as my arms link at the back of his neck. He holds me with such ease as I press our lips together, my fingers running through his silky soft hair. I pull back and I put my feet on the ground. He holds me by the waist, pressing our bodies flush together. 

"So is that a yes?" He asks, grinning. 

"Yes, of course" I replied, smiling. Everyone cheers as he leans forward and kisses me. 

His hands run along my back as I hold the back of his neck. Once we pull away, our forehead touch as our breaths mix with each other. 

"You have no idea how happy I am," Jack said, pulling away, smiling. 

"I think I might know how you feel" I replied, butterflies, twirling in my stomach as he looks at me so caring and passionately. He chuckles as I hear hollers coming from around us, but that doesn't matter cause all I feel is Jack's heat radiating off him, even through his black hoodie and slim joggers. 

"Lovebirds, come on, let's get some food and hang out before practice, yeah?" some guy, whose name I think is Sean, dressed in his football outfit said as he taps both of us on the shoulder. 

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