Ian Eastwood: Lovers And Friends- Melanie

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I woke up in bed, alone. Sometimes Ian would stay with me in the morning but only if he didn't have to teach the next day, or shoot a video. 

Ian and I had met at a club, but not on the dance floor, on the side near  the seated area. We had a couple of drinks but we weren't really up for the partying at the moment. We started talking and ended up having some things in common.

We both ended up going back to his place. what started out as a one night stand turned into being friends with benefits as we kept talking more and more. We established that we weren't looking to be in a relationship yet, just someone to be with or to relieve stress.

I got up and found one of Ian's black kubskoutz t-shirts and stood up from the bed, heading towards the bathroom when the smell of eggs and bacon quickly diverted my attention and my path.

Upon looking into the kitchen, Ian was plating some scrambled eggs on two plates and bacon on a separate plate. "Morning" I spoke up, he looked up and turned around, his gaze met mine and he smiled.

"Hey, uh I got hungry so I decided to make breakfast" He took the two plates and started to walk towards me.  

We made our way to the living room. I noticed he kept taking long glances at me. "See something you like?" 

He nodded and set the food on the table. "Oh I definitely like what I see, you should wear my clothes more often Mel" he winked and laughed. 

I hit him in the chest playfully "Oh shush. it was the first thing I grabbed" 

"Or you just love the way I smell so much that you want to wear my clothes"  Alright well, he wasn't completely wrong about that. His scent was absolutely captivating...but we were just friends with benefits, there was no way an actual relationship between us could work...At Least that's what I tried to tell myself.

We ate our breakfast and said our good bye's. He had a class to teach and I had work.

In my efforts to finally get back into the dating, I set up a date with one of my other friends, James. He was cute, tall, the most amazing green eyes, short dark brown hair, muscles, sweet and very smart. We've been talking for a couple of months, and he just stepped up and asked me out.

Seeing as Ian and I weren't going anywhere in terms of a relationship, I happily accepted.

James took me to a nice resturant and we were having a good time. I liked him, but a certain someone kept popping into my mind.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom touching up my make up and trying to clear my mind when he called.

"Heyy Mel what's up?" Ian asked happily.

"I'm actually on a date right now Ian" I replied sternly

"Oh? really..you never told me you had a-" He began 

"He's not my boyfriend, just some guy I kinda like" I responded, though he was just the person I liked even more.

"Oh, right so I guess you don't want to hang out tonight. uhm well sorry for calling." He sounded...Disappointed? I'm sure that if he wanted to have sex he could just find another girl. Or hang out with his other friends.

"It's fine, I'll talk to you later, bye" I huffed out.

"Bye" And with that we hung up.I took a deep breath and returned back to the table with James.He greeted me with a sweet smile and we continued our date.

James had dropped me off at my home and at the doorstep he left a soft kiss on my lips. 

"I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you for everything" I smiled and stepped back."No problem, I'm glad you had fun, maybe we could do it again sometime." He scratched the back of his head and looked for a hint of hope. "Oh yea, definitely" I smiled back and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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