Jawn Ha: The Only One I Want- Anon

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I woke up, feeling an arms around my waist, I felt his breath on my neck, Jawn had come in last night and snuck into my bed. Honestly it was the best way to wake up in the morning.

He kissed my neck, squeezing me in his embrace. "Good morning beautiful" he whispered. I wiped my eyes and turned around to face him.

"Morning baby", I cupped his face in my hands, kissing him sweetly. "We have a big day today", his hand traced lines up and down my back, which made me shiver.

"Oh do we? I wasn't aware" I sat up, he still held onto my waist, laying his head down on my shoulder. Kissing my shoulder, "Happy anniversary. Go take a shower, I'll make us breakfast."

"alright, happy anniversary" I pecked him on his lips before heading to the shower.


I came out the shower, wearing shorts and a tank top, opened the door to see a huge teddy bear next to my couch, and a happy anniversary banister on the wall.

I walked up to the huge bear and saw a beautiful bracelet on the bear's wrist. The bear also had a velvet box in a pocket. I opened it to see a pair of silver earrings with a matching necklace.

Jawn popped up behind it "Surprise baby", he had on an adorable smile. "oh my god Jawn this is beautiful, Thank you!" I gave him a tight hug.

"You're welcome, anything for you, but this is just the beginning" He said, "There's more?" I gasped, what else could he have planned?

He lead me to the kitchen table where my favorite breakfast was served out on the table.

We ate and got dressed, heading out to the mall. Jawn lead me into a dress shop and I looked around, he said I could get anything I wanted. Then, I saw the dress I had been wanting forever. A blue lace dress on a single rack which had a sign on it "for (y/n)- Jawn loves you" I giggled at the sign as Jawn kissed my cheek.

He knew I had wanted that dress but never had the money to buy it. "Thank you, you're the best boyfriend anyone could ever have" I kissed him deeply and took the dress.

Lead me to a dance studio, he said that he had to check up with the guys for a moment. We walked into a studio where the lights where off, the door shut and Jawn disappeared,

"Jawn?" I said, and the lights went on, Jawn was standing with Ian, Brian, and Jun. The song "I Love You" by Chris Brown began to play and They all started to dance. 

Jawn had choreographed this whole thing for me, I was shocked. Their movements and Jawn's dancing always spoke to me, I read their movements and the message was clear. Jawn loved me and he knew how to make me feel special.

When they finished the guys yelled "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" and Jawn kissed me, this kiss was different, it made my heart jump and I just felt that I had the perfect guy. 

"Awww!" the guys cooed. Jawn and I laughed as he turned to them "Thanks guys!", they began to leave the room, so we could be alone.

"I can't believe you actually did all of this for me, I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you, I really am, thank you" I said, hugging him tight.

"(Y/N), You're the most important girl in my life. This year I've spent with you is the most amazing year I've had. You always support me through everything and everything. Even when I have to travel and be away for weeks, you still stay. This is for you, to show you how much I truly love you."

He had the most adoring eyes, my heart was jumping out of my chest and my knees felt weak because of everything he said. 

"We should head home so you could get ready, that dress is meant to be worn tonight, for an anniversary dinner" He had a playful smile on his lips. There was more to come on our anniversary day.

"I love you Jawn" My arms around his neck and his arms tight around my waist, "I love you too baby". His lips engulfed mine, re-meeting each time with more and more emotion. 

He really was the only one I want.

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